9-Year-Old Evelyn Dieckhaus Was A Hero – Died In Nashville Incident Trying to Pull Fire Alarm As Warning
Charlie Kirk Staff

The individual who carried out the shooting at the Christian elementary school on Monday, a 28-year-old transsexual individual, was eventually stopped by the police in Nashville, bu that was not the first encounter with heroism that the shooter had that day.
Before being fatally shot at the Covenant School, a 9-year-old girl attempted to warn her teachers and fellow students of the danger posed by the shooter. Her bravery has since earned her recognition as a hero, The Blaze reported.
Added the Daily Mail, Evelyn Dieckhaus, who was described by her family as a “shining light,” made a valiant effort to activate the fire alarm while the shooter roamed the corridors of the Christian school.
This little girl tried saving her friends by pulling a fire alarm when she heard the Nashville shooter coming.
She was shot and killed.
Her name was Evelyn Dieckhaus.
HERO. pic.twitter.com/iFa9c0gJhv
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) March 28, 2023
Clay Stauffer, senior minister of Woodmont Christian Church, located next door to the targeted school, told WTVF, “These are the types of situations in life where it does cause us to question and doubt our faith. But I also tell them in these situations, as horrible as they are, I believe God shows up in the community.”
Stauffer suggested that Dieckhaus demonstrated God’s presence through her love for her peers and her courageous attempt to warn them of the danger they were in, the reports noted.
“Evelyn made an impact on this world, and she will continue to,” he said.
He went on to say that the 9-year-old’s parents, Mike and Katie Dickhaus, while they are devastated, “They’re being surrounded by their family and friends.”
Meanwhile, Dieckhaus’ grieving sister, a fifth-grader who is scheduled to be baptized in a couple of weeks, told The Tennessean, “I don’t want to be an only child.”
“Their daughter Evelyn was a shining light and an amazing person. She was loved not only by her family, not just by her church. We’re surrounding them and picking them up — helping them move forward,” added Stauffer.
Evelyn and the two other 9-year-old victims were taking their lessons in the school’s chapel before the attack by Audrey Hale while learning about “life in Kenya and what it means to be a missionary.”
William Kinney and Hallie Scruggs were the two other children who sang “Amazing Grace” with the departed hero before being murdered, The Blaze noted.