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WATCH: Va. Mother Slays Prince William County School Board Over Mask Mandate in Impassioned Speech

Charlie Kirk Staff


WATCH: Va. Mother Slays Prince William County School Board Over Mask Mandate in Impassioned Speech

Another parent in Virginia has taken another Democrat-dominated school board to task over the very unscientific policy of forcing young students to don dirty, useless masks for hours a day, and frankly, it’s glorious.

Merianne Jensen blasted the Prince William County School Board to bits for its ongoing mask mandate, which she accurately described as “blatant political theater.”

But she didn’t just torch the board and its decision; she came prepared with facts and data.

“I know there are many educators who want to protect children,” Jensen began, calmly at first. “This goal is not different from my own. Our implementation preferences may differ, but we want the same thing: to get through COVID without harm.”

“Unfortunately, politics leads us to believe there is only one solution – masks,” Jensen continued. “Yet thousands of schools around the country have been open during the entire pandemic without masks and no corresponding rise in serious illness.”

“Unfortunately, politics leads us to believe there is only one solution – masks,” Jensen said. “Yet thousands of schools around the country have been open during the entire pandemic without masks and no corresponding rise in serious illness.”

“There were not child coffins lined up as some educators in this county suggested would be the case,” Jensen, growing more passionate, added. “In fact, things have been going pretty much as normal. Kids are getting sick despite wearing masks. We are forcing healthy children home for ‘exposure’ despite them wearing masks. And we are segregating children by vaccination status and religious exemption status despite the wearing of masks.”

“I’d now like to cover the facts,” she pivoted. “Not policy as determined by the White House. Not CDC recommendations, which I remind you is still policy — policy, I might add, that changes by the day without any basis in science at all.”

“So here are the facts that are available to any one of you,” she said.

The Blaze notes:

She quoted Centers of Disease Control and Prevention data that revealed 49,000 Americans under the age of 18 have died of all causes during the pandemic, and only 331 of those deaths have been “COVID-related.” Jensen asserted that the COVID-related deaths in children were fewer than those who died from heart disease, cancer, suicide, homicide, and drowning.

“Yet we have turned kids’ lives upside down at school for what is essentially a non-risk,” she said. “We play politics with kids’ faces by placing restrictive fabrics over their noses and mouths.”

“This is asinine. This is blatant political theater, and it needs to end,” Jensen said as others in attendance cheered her remarks.


The mother went on to say that she spoke to the school superintendent in November regarding the mask mandate but she said the superintendent claimed her “hands were tied” regarding the mandate because at the time, Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam had imposed one statewide. If t were not for that mandate, the superintendent allegedly told Jensen, “things would be different.

Since then, newly inaugurated GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who made standing up for parental rights central to his winning campaign, has rescinded Northam’s order.

“You are on the losing side of history,” Jensen scolded the school administrators. “And it’s time to make that right for the children now.”

On her Twitter account, Jenson revealed, “I was so nervous! But it was worth it for our kids. It’s time to let them show their faces in school.”

She’s right; all of this is political theater. It’s obvious.

What’s also obvious is that , once again, Democrats, the party of authoritarianism (remember when they were anti-establishment in the 1960s and 1970s?) continue to cling to a mandate that has been proven less than worthless at stopping the spread of the virus.


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Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

Charlie is also the host of “The Charlie Kirk Show” podcast, which regularly ranks among the top-10 news shows on Apple podcast news charts, and is the host of the nationally syndicated daily radio show on the Salem Radio Network live from 12 - 3 PM ET.
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