'Unity?' VP Harris Delivers Extremely Divisive Speech, Says Trump Filled With 'Racism, Bigotry'

'Unity?' VP Harris Delivers Extremely Divisive Speech, Says Trump Filled With 'Racism, Bigotry'

Despite the Biden administration’s pledge to foster unity in the United States following their 2020 election victory, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris seem to be contributing to ongoing divisions as the nation approaches the 2024 contest.

In the past few months, Biden has vehemently criticized his expected rival, former President Donald Trump, using the most severe language possible, categorizing him and the tens of millions who endorse his “Make America Great Again” movement as ‘detrimental to democracy.’ Furthermore, over the weekend, Harris, in her address before the South Carolina primary, consistently referred to Trump using unflattering, derogatory, and factually inaccurate descriptions.

She said:

President Biden and I are guided by a fundamental belief: We work for you, the American people. And every day, we fight for you. Sadly, however, that is not true for everyone. Case in point: Donald Trump. Former President Trump has made clear time and time again his fight is not for the people. He fights for himself.

He openly talks about his intention to weaponize the Department of Justice. He openly says that he is, quote, “proud,” that he overturned Roe v. Wade — proud that he took the freedom of choice from millions of American women.

For years, the former President has stoked the fires of hate and bigotry and racism and xenophobia for his own power and political gain. He accused immigrants of, quote, “poisoning the blood of our country.” And after neo-Nazis marched in Charlottesville, he said there were, quote, “very fine people on both sides.”

The former President openly talks about his admiration for dictators and has vowed that he will be a dictator on “day one.”

Understand what dictators do. Dictators put journalists in jail. Dictators suspend elections. Dictators take your rights.

And as the great Maya Angelou once said, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.” Well, the former President has told us who he is. And it is on us, then, to recognize the profound threat he poses to our democracy and to our freedoms.

And let us recognize: There are extremists across our country who have been inspired, encouraged, and even cowered by the former President.


For the record, the ‘very fine people’ quote has been debunked time and time again, but both Biden and Harris continue to use it in a false context.

Also, in terms of ‘weaponizing the Justice Department,’ it’s Joe Biden’s DOJ that is going after Trump on a variety of charges.


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