Trump Was Asked Whether He Has Confidence in AG Barr

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Can You Hack an Election in 7 Minutes?

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President Trump gave a cryptic response when he was asked if he still had confidence in US Attorney General Bill Barr after Barr’s recent comments on voter fraud were published in the Associated Press.

A reporter asked President Trump at the White House today, “Do you still have confidence in Bill Barr? The President replied, “Ask me that in a number of weeks from now.”

In an AP report earlier this week, Barr stated, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

These comments are clearly a cause for concern for the president and the millions of Americans who voted for him who have been following the explosive fraud hearings across key states like Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania.  Sworn affidavits and testimonies are piling up from large numbers of people across the country who have witnessed the fraud first hand.

The Gateway Pundit Reports:

Barr claimed that the FBI has followed up on specific complaints of voter fraud yet they have uncovered no evidence that would change the outcome.

The Justice Department came out and clarified Bill Barr’s remarks to the Associated Press.

“Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the Department has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election,” the DOJ spokesperson said. “That is not what the Associated Press reported nor what the Attorney General stated. The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible.”



Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania

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President Trump gave a cryptic response when he was asked if he still had confidence in US Attorney General Bill Barr after Barr’s recent comments on voter fraud were published in the Associated Press.

A reporter asked President Trump at the White House today, “Do you still have confidence in Bill Barr? The President replied, “Ask me that in a number of weeks from now.”

In an AP report earlier this week, Barr stated, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.”

These comments are clearly a cause for concern for the president and the millions of Americans who voted for him who have been following the explosive fraud hearings across key states like Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania.  Sworn affidavits and testimonies are piling up from large numbers of people across the country who have witnessed the fraud first hand.

The Gateway Pundit Reports:

Barr claimed that the FBI has followed up on specific complaints of voter fraud yet they have uncovered no evidence that would change the outcome.

The Justice Department came out and clarified Bill Barr’s remarks to the Associated Press.

“Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the Department has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election,” the DOJ spokesperson said. “That is not what the Associated Press reported nor what the Attorney General stated. The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible.”