Trump Gets Game-Changing Election News As Biden Sinks In Polls

Trump Gets Game-Changing Election News As Biden Sinks In Polls

President Joe Biden’s coalition that brought him to victory in his previous election is crumbling before his eyes.

The most recent Rasmussen Reports survey showed that Trump is ahead of Biden 49%-41% with likely voters which is the same as the number from last month, but that is only the start of the tough news for the president, The Washington Examiner reported.

But the massive change should have the president concerned because the poll showed a gap in Hispanic voters in favor of Trump. The support of Hispanics for Trump over Biden, 48%-37%. In the 2020 election Hispanics voted for Biden by a margin of 59%-38%.

In the previous election Biden also handily captured the Asian vote by a margin of 72%-28% but in this poll, Asians favor Trump 39%-36%.

This is not simply Trump cutting into the lead, which would be significant in its own right, he has actually taken the lead.

With black voters, Biden defeated Trump by a massive margin of 92% – 8% but in this poll, the lead was slashed to a Biden advantage of 48% – 39%.

President Biden, like any Democrat, needs to capture as much of the minority vote as possible so this is terrifying if you are on Team Biden.

The former president has also made headway with independent voters.

“Trump benefits from both stronger partisan intensity and a double-digit advantage among independent voters. In a head-to-head matchup with Biden, Trump gets 83% of Republican votes, compared to Biden’s 74% among Democrats. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Trump leads with 46% to Biden’s 35%. These gaps are not significantly affected by the inclusion of RFK Jr., Stein or West on the ballot,” the report said.

And the addition of more candidates does not assist President Biden.

“The survey doesn’t show Kennedy with a large impact on the outcome. Nor is the margin significantly affected by the inclusion of Green Party candidate Jill Stein and former Harvard Professor Cornell West,” it said.

“In a three-way match-up between Biden, Trump and RFK Jr., 44% would vote for Trump, 38% for Biden and 10% for Kennedy. In February, Kennedy had 12%. In a five-watch matchup, 45% would vote for Trump, 38% for Biden, nine percent (9%) for Kennedy, two percent (2%) for West and one percent (1%) for Stein,” it said.


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