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Trump Gets Fantastic News From CNN: Americans Support Deportation Plan

Charlie Kirk Staff


Trump Gets Fantastic News From CNN: Americans Support Deportation Plan

CNN data analyst Harry Enten said that there has been a massive shift in the opinion of Americans as it pertains to deporting illegal aliens from the United States.

Speaking during a segment on the network the analyst said that far more people approve of deportations now than they did in 2016, with more than half of Americans polled in favor of President Donald Trump’s plan.

“Sometimes I like blunt questions because they sort of get at the underlying feelings that people have. So, this is about as blunt a question as you can get, deport all immigrants here illegally? I will note, the ABC News poll asked about undocumented immigrants. So, we have slightly different questions. But these were all taken within the last month. And there’s real uniformity here,” Enten told CNN anchor Kate Bolduan.

“That’s what I really think you see, you see real uniformity. Deporting all immigrants who are here illegally, 55 percent in The New York Times, Marquette, 64 percent, CBS News, 57 percent. ABC News, with a slightly different question, 56 percent. So, what you’re seeing essentially here is a very clear indication that a majority of Americans, in fact, when they’re asked this blunt question, which I believe gets at the underlying feelings, do, in fact, want to deport all immigrants who are here illegally. There’s no arguing with these different numbers because they’re all essentially the same across four different pollsters,” he added.

“And so we’ll take a look at that ABC News question in particular because you can really see that there’s been a massive shift from when Trump was first getting into office eight years ago, right, deport all undocumented immigrants. You go back to 2015, I’m going to come to your side of the screen,” Enten continued.

“It was 42 percent. Hello. Go to 2016. It was 36 percent. Look at where we are now. This was taken at the end of last year, 56 percent. This is 20 points higher than it was just before Trump got into office the first time,” he said.

“So, feelings towards immigration in this country, feelings towards undocumented immigrants and deporting all of them have become considerably more hawkish. And I think that gives Donald Trump much more leverage to go with the American people and sort of have these hawkish, some might say, harsh, different rhetoric and also issue based sort of going after immigrants who are here illegally. And so, I think the American people are going to give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt to do what he wants to do, at least if you believe these blunt questions, including this one,” he added.


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Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

Charlie is also the host of “The Charlie Kirk Show” podcast, which regularly ranks among the top-10 news shows on Apple podcast news charts, and is the host of the nationally syndicated daily radio show on the Salem Radio Network live from 12 - 3 PM ET.
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