SOLID: Trump Tops Biden in Latest Poll, Approval Rating Sits at 52 Percent
Charlie Kirk Staff

As President Trump has been hitting the campaign trail non-stop, the Rasmussen Reports
Daily White House Watch survey has President Trump leading Joe Biden by 48 percent to 47 percent.
This represents a bump for President Trump, who last Wednesday, was behind Biden in the poll by 3 points (Biden: 49% to Trump: 46%).
The latest survey also found that three percent of likely voters prefer another candidate and two percent remain undecided.
The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard points out that the President’s current approval rating could be a “key factor” for Trump’s reelection: “What’s more, the pollster Trump prefers to follow and tout has his approval rating at 52%, a key factor to winning reelection. Former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama were both at 50% when they edged out reelection victories,” he writes.
For all the liberal hype about Republicans unhappy with President Trump (looking at you, Lincoln Project), the commander-in-chief is doing much better with members of his own party than VP Biden is with Democrats.
According to Rasmussen, 84 percent of Republicans said they will vote for President Trump and 77 percent of Democrats said they would vote for Biden.
For the full analysis from Bedard, click HERE.