Socialist Candidate Tells Homeless People to Simply Enter Empty Homes

Socialist Candidate Tells Homeless People to Simply Enter Empty Homes

A Washington State Democratic congressional candidate Rebecca Parson’s new platform includes a never-before-seen idea to “help” the homeless: have a million people break into empty homes.

Parson is attempting to get Congress to pass the housing legislation.

She is currently a member of the Democratic Socialists of America Party, running for Washington’s 6th Congressional District.

“Imagine I proposed a Housing for All Bill in Congress, Then imagine you, me, and a million of our friends took action and occupied empty houses nationwide. They couldn’t ignore us,” Parson says in an advertisement, according to Fox News Digital.

She said in a tweet released last week: “$30 is the bare minimum in every county in the US for an adult with a kid to afford housing, food, healthcare, basic necessities. No vacations, no eating out. Those are the facts and no amount of praying to Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman will change that.”

The advertisement shows a video wherein Parson reenacts her life, where she explains how she went from getting a Masters’ degree to living in her car.

“I did what they told me,” she said, saying that she did not see results until she took shelter in a foreclosed home.

“Billionaires told us ‘you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy,’ well f*ck that,” she says.

“If you, me, and a million of our friends took action and occupied empty houses nationwide, they couldn’t ignore us, and that’s why it’s going to work.”

Parson has been occupying homes for some time now. In 2020, she was a spokesperson for Tacoma Housing Now, which organized homeless people to find shelter in a motel in Washington. The group paid for one night in the hotel, then demanded that the city and state pay as they refused to leave the hotel.

The homeless left after six days when police arrived, reports KING5.


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