Piers Morgan Calls Out US Media For Downplaying Two Attempts On Trump's Life

Piers Morgan Calls Out US Media For Downplaying Two Attempts On Trump's Life

British and American host Piers Morgan believes that the media is engaged in an effort to diminish the attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life.

He spoke to former Fox News host Megyn Kelly and had a similar sentiment to former CNN host Chris Cuomo who is currently on NewsNation.

“Isn’t it incredible that the man who was president several years ago and may be president again later this year or early next year, is in a situation where he has two assassination attempts on his life within a few weeks. And when I turned on the news today, a lot of the news channels are already keen to move on. This happened on Sunday. Do you think they’d be moving on if this was Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, who had been out in public with some lunatic with an AK-47 had their sides trained on them? Of course, they wouldn’t,” said Morgan.

“It would have been the biggest news story for several weeks. And it shows the desperation of the very liberal, skewed mainstream media in America to just not want to focus on these assassination attempts on Trump, notwithstanding the fact that they are the biggest news story that I can think of. When has there been a presidential candidate who within a space of a few weeks has had two attempts on his life? One where he’s hit by a bullet, and one where he come from the 3-4 minutes of having an AK-47 bullet smashing into his brains…,” he added.

“So this is an enormous story, and yet already everyone’s keen to move on. And already what they’re trying to do is say, ‘This had nothing to do with the rhetoric that we spewed about Trump for years, that he is the new Hitler, that he is a clear existential threat to democracy in America and the world,'” Morgan continued.

“You don’t think that an impressionable mind might at some stage go, ‘Wow, this guy is going to kill democracy, and he’s a new Hitler. I better stop it.’ And that is what is happening, and it’s incredibly dangerous. And I’m looking at this from across the pond completely aghast that twice now the Secret Service have been, in my estimation, an abject failure in protecting Donald Trump from these lunatics. They have got to step up and raise their game,” he added.


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