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Palm Beach County high school forces politically charged lesson plans on teachers

Charlie Kirk Staff


Palm Beach County high school forces politically charged lesson plans on teachers

Teachers are tasked with arguably one of the most difficult jobs: providing students all the information and tools necessary to lead a successful, intellectual and informed life.

But in today’s day and age, just how far is too far? This story may take the cake.

A Palm Beach County, Florida high school is requiring teachers to fill their lesson plans with politically charged content, regardless of their own political views.

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Teachers at Palm Beach Gardens High School are “required to teach” videos pushing Democratic narratives like Black Lives Matter, implicit bias and systematic racism, according to a source.

And while some teachers may feel comfortable teaching a left-wing lesson plan, others are upset that the school is forcing them to present these propagandic videos.

In these videos, students are told that the U.S has a longstanding history of systemic racism, further propelled by implicit bias that still exists today.

One video – simplified by cartoon – shows a young white student and a young black student, and identifies the challenges that black students will ‘undeniably’ face because of skin color.

“Jamal manages to be the only student from high school to be accepted into a great university. The same one that Kevin and his high school friends are attending. But after Kevin and Jamal both graduate, Jamal notices that his resume isn’t drawing as much interest as Kevin’s, even though they graduated from the same program with the exact same GPA,” the video says.

“Unfortunately for Jamal, studies show that resumes with white-sounding names get twice as many callbacks as identical resumes with black-sounding names…You can see systemic racism in every area of life: disparities, family wealth, incarceration rates, political representation rates and education are all examples of systemic racism.”

Classrooms are supposed to be environments for self-discovery, not brainwashed hostility.

And though it may be difficult in some scenarios, considering the political polarity of the world we live in, teachers are supposed to teach course material, not personal beliefs.

In these critical years of mental development, it is imperative that students be given the opportunity to form their own thoughts and beliefs without teacher interference.


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Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

Charlie is also the host of “The Charlie Kirk Show” podcast, which regularly ranks among the top-10 news shows on Apple podcast news charts, and is the host of the nationally syndicated daily radio show on the Salem Radio Network live from 12 - 3 PM ET.
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