Nikki Haley Opens SiriusXM Show With Remarks About Trump

Nikki Haley Opens SiriusXM Show With Remarks About Trump

Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley has endorsed former President Donald Trump but that does not mean she has forgotten what he said about her or the names he called her.

In the premier episode of her new SiriusXM show, “Nikki Haley Live,” she cautioned listeners to not expect her to speak of the former president in glowing terms.

“Let’s look at some of the things I said on the campaign trail. I said that we needed to have mental competency tests for anyone in DC. People thought that was a joke. I was completely serious. You look at how old people are in DC and the fact that they don’t want to leave. I stand by that. I said a vote for Joe Biden was a vote for Kamala Harris. The reason I thought that was I knew how hard it was to run for president. There was no way Joe Biden, with that pressure and that stress in the condition we saw him, was going to make it. So I always knew it was going to be Kamala Harris in the end,” said Haley.

“And then I said, the party that gets rid of their 80-year-old candidate will be the party that’s in the catbird seat. I stand by that. That was still very much the case. And we see how that’s all played out. And I said a lot of things about Donald Trump, but I stand by everything I said. Good and bad. I stand by all of it. I don’t take anything back. I’ve always been a truth-teller. I will continue to do that. So let’s play the second clip because there’s a lot of other things I’ve said that I think people have forgotten. Let’s roll it, the former ambassador said before playing a clip from her campaign warning about the disasters Vice President Kamala Harris would bring if elected,” she added.

“Now that’s what I said during the campaign trail. So I said exactly what I thought about Joe Biden, about Donald Trump and about Kamala Harris. If I thought either one of those candidates were great, I wouldn’t have run for office. So that is where we are. I don’t take anything back. I stand by that. And so you’re going to see me be honest on the show, as well. But I think that it’s also important to say that on this show, you’re not going to hear me say glowing things about Donald Trump’s personality. I have issues with him, as well. I have not forgotten what he said about me. I’ve not forgotten what he said about my husband or his, you know, deployment time or his military service. I haven’t forgotten about his or his campaign’s tactics from, you know, putting a bird cage outside our hotel room to calling me ‘bird brain,’” Haley continued.

“I haven’t forgotten any of that. But politics is not for thin-skinned people. It’s just not. And I think that if you really want to do a service for your country, you have to be able to put the personal part of it aside. And so when I look at the good of our country, that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m looking at as a voter, I’m looking at what I think will make the country better. So that’s what you’re going to hear on the show. You’re just going to hear the truth. Sometimes I’ll think someone does something good. I’ll say it. Sometimes I think they do something bad. I’ll say that too. But I think the best way to serve your country is to not get personal, but focus on where we are with the economy, focus where we are with the border, focus on national security, focus on freedom, and what it means for our country. And so that’s what I hope that we will do,” she noted.


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