GOP Sen. Johnson Wants Musk To Do To Govt. What He Did For Twitter

GOP Sen. Johnson Wants Musk To Do To Govt. What He Did For Twitter

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson has a fantastic idea for former President Donald Trump should he be successful in defeating Democrat presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris.

He spoke to popular podcast host Benny Johnson as the two spoke about what the former president’s administration might look like and what ideas could change the federal government.

The Wisconsin senator suggested bringing in Tesla and Space X CEO Elon Musk to do precisely what he did to Twitter when he purchased it and renamed it X.

“He’s going to come into office for the second time with his eyes wide open, not relying on swamp creatures to help him staff. That’s a significant challenge, trying to staff an administration. I am assuming and I hope and pray he has already identified good and high integrity managers that share his goals to reform these agencies so they are accountable to him, as the duly elected president of the United States, and to the American public,” the senator said.

“These agencies need to be completely reformed. I’m heartened by the fact Trump wants to put Elon Musk in charge. I’d love to see Elon Musk come in and do to the federal agencies what he did to Twitter. Basically laid off 95% of the workforce, and Twitter is up and running better than it ever was. That’s exactly the kind of thing that needs to be brought to these federal agencies,” said Johnson.

And with the vice president starting to bleed support, the former president’s election victory may be well in hand.

CNN political data guru Harry Enten dropped some more bad news on Vice President Kamala Harris and her campaign during a Tuesday morning segment with host Kate Bolduan.

According to the network’s polling data, Harris was not only losing support from minority voters, but she was also polling behind President Joe Biden with black and Hispanic voters in 2020, he said.

“Yes, let’s start with black voters. And, you know, big part of the Democratic coalition. This is the Democrat versus Trump margin. Look, Kamala Harris is up by 66 points among black voters. That is up from where Joe Biden was earlier this year, right, when he got out of the race, at 51. He was up by 51 points over Donald Trump,” Enten said.

“But this 66-point lead is way lower than that 80-point lead that Joe Biden had over Donald Trump at this point in the 2020 cycle. It’s 14 points lower. So, the bottom line is, yes, Joe Biden was really struggling with black voters. Harris has climbed up a little bit. But she’s not anywhere near the level that Joe Biden was at this point just four years ago,” he added. Bolduan then asked: “And then what about Hispanic voters?”

“All right, so this is the same trend idea, right? All right, what you see here again, Democrat versus Donald Trump. Yes, Kamala Harris is ahead by 15 points. That’s certainly significantly better than Joe Biden was doing just a few months ago when it was a seven- point advantage. But again, look at this, this 15-point advantage that Harris has is significantly less than Joe Biden was doing at this point four years ago. It’s nearly – it’s only about half that number,” he explained.


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