New Poll Spells More Bad News For Biden In Key Battleground States

New Poll Spells More Bad News For Biden In Key Battleground States

President Joe Biden is bleeding voters and he is doing it in the places he needs them the most.

A new poll shows that former President Donald Trump is ahead of the president in five of seven key swing states, the Bloomberg News/Morning Consult from May 7th to the 13th said.

The poll showed that the former president is ahead of President Biden by seven points in North Carolina, five points in Arizona, three in Georgia, two in Pennsylvania, and even one point in Wisconsin.

The pair are tied in Nevada and the president is ahead of the former president by one point in Michigan, a state which poses other dangers for him as he is suffering with those who work in the auto industry and the large Muslim-American population that wants an end to the war between Israel and Gaza.

And the former president’s trials are not stopping him.

Pollster and InsiderAdvantage chairman Matt Towery spoke with Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday about election reform in Georgia and emphasized that the ongoing Trump trial in New York is irrelevant to the average American.

“I polled most of these swing states for the FOX affiliates in past years. I can tell you a couple of thoughts I have. One, the timing of these polls. I still think they are going to take one more swipe at trying to get this guy out of the race. That’s just my first intuition,” he began.

“Number two, these numbers are real. The real issue will be to Ned [Ryun]’s point: how do we weigh our point at the end? Now, some states like Georgia when Sen. Brandon Beach and Lt. Governor [Burt Jones] push for election reform. The governor actually signed it. I think Georgia is going to be a safer state for the Republicans. And our waiting will change there,” he continued.

“In other states like in Arizona, where they passed election reform but the federal courts decided that people don’t have to say where they are from from federal races that could really impact an Arizona race. The devil is in the details, but right now, what’s going on is you have got a trial going on that’s irrelevant to these people who cannot pay for their food, have their rent so high, and now you have a stagnant real estate market on top of it. So it’s sort of like watching this trial or you are everybody else,” he said.


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