J.D. Vance: Trump Taking On Weaponized Justice System Helps All Americans

J.D. Vance: Trump Taking On Weaponized Justice System Helps All Americans

Ohio Republican Sen. J.D Vance, a strong candidate to be former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, has a message for the American people.

The senator spoke to Fox News where he explained why voters would support the former president.

“People are sick of the lawfare, the weaponization of their government, they are sick of higher prices, sick of the border, the fentanyl flowing across the wide open southern border. Issue after issue after issue. What you have is just normal people who think like simply they should be able to send their kids to school without them being indoctrinated, they should live in a country with public safety, they should be able to go to the grocery store and not have to break their budget. Those issues are dominating this election, and it’s so funny to see all of these people panic about the fact that they cannot figure out how to distract from the fact that Joe Biden has been a failure,” the senator said.

“Every single clip that you showed of various MSNBC hosts and politicos melting down, it’s because they want to talk about Trump’s legal problems that are, of course, the creation of a corrupt Justice Department; they want to talk about anything other than the fact that Biden has been a failure and when Trump was a president he was a success,” he said.

“You hear James Comey whine that Donald Trump might, I don’t know, punch back at the people who tried to throw him in prison for the rest of his life. Do you think that resonates with anybody anymore?” host Jesse Watters said.

“We have to remember, James Comey is the guy that had identified Hillary Clinton broke the law a few days before the 2016 election and now he’s decided somehow that Donald Trump is the biggest public enemy. The problem is, James Comey himself presided over a Department of Justice, a Federal Bureau of Investigation that became weaponized. People don’t want to be prosecuted for speaking their mind,” the senator said.

“They don’t want to be prosecuted for participating in the pro-life cause. They certainly don’t want the leader of the opposition, Donald Trump, prosecuted on phony trumped-up charges that have nothing to do with justice and everything to do with politics. So when you have the leader of the FBI, who is maybe the single biggest reason why we have a weaponized justice system in this country, talking about Donald Trump as if he’s the problem. The problem is James Comey and everybody who thinks like he does. If Donald Trump goes after that weaponized system of justice, it will benefit not primarily Donald Trump, it will benefit everyday Americans who want to be able to participate in their own country without being thrown in jail,” he said.


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