National College Democrat Group Is Falling Apart As They Cancel Each Other Over Old Tweets
Charlie Kirk Staff

When you promote cancel culture it eventually comes back and bites you.
And that is what is happening to The College Democrats of America who are now canceling each other due to tweets that members sent when they were kids, Politico reported.
The CDA Jewish Caucus issued a press release in September claiming that College Democrats of America IDEA Director and Vice-Presidential Candidate Nourhan Mesbah expressed antisemitism during the 2016 presidential debates.
“This first tweet, from Ms. Mesbah, appears to show her blaming Jews or ‘the yahood’ in Arabic for her disappointment in the second Presidential Debate between Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. This displays blatant antisemitism and also plays into centuries old tropes of Jews playing puppetmaster over the politics and media. It is an offensive and ignorant statement and still public on Twitter as of this letter’s publication,” the Caucus said.
“Furthermore, the tweet itself includes an @ whereby Ms. Mesbah is corresponding with a known antisemite Dima Jubara (formerly known as @Palestinegxrl) who once tweeted out this picture with a statement saying ‘God will kill the Jews’, as well another tweet saying ‘I say ‘I blame the yahood’ at least 25 times a day’ and ‘If I had a dollar for every time I’ve said ‘Allah ya5od I’ll yahood [God will kill the Jews],’” it said.
But Mesbah had her defenders, including Justin Hartley, the president of Tulane College Democrats.
“Elements within our organization about an election they lost. Elements within our organization do not want to see a young, Muslim woman represent Democrats nationally,” he said to Politico.
Mesbah apologized for her tweets but defended herself in September.
“While I take responsibility for my actions, I am hurt by the Islamophobia and xenophobia that continues to unfold,” she said. “The harassment I have faced is never acceptable but unfortunately all too common for Muslim, immigrant women of color who often face bigoted targeting unique to our experience.”
In a vote of 19 – 3 Mesbah was censured Mesbah and had to “undergo training about antisemitism and cultural sensitivity from the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, or the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.”
But the controversy even started before Mesbah, with Tasneem Ahmad Al-Michael, a Muslim and former vice president of the CDA who had to end his campaign for president when a racial slur he used in 2014 was discovered.
“What I said as a 15 year old prior to being in politics was ignorant, inappropriate, and flat out wrong,” he said to POLITICO. “It doesn’t define me, my character, or invalidate the work that I continue to do.”
As for Mesbah, a report done by the College Democrats discovered that she had engaged in “a pattern of discrimination against members of the black community, specifically black women.”
Current IDEA Director Jeremy Ward called on her to resign as vice president “due to the harm caused to two different communities.” And after the report, some Democrats called her to be impeached.
But then charges of Islamophobia were brought by the Council on American-Islamic Relations as they supported Mesbah.
“We have received allegations that the current National I.D.E.A Director has dismissed credible allegations of Islamophobia while using his position to unfairly and baselessly single out and target Vice President Mesbah,” they said.
The entire thing has the Democrat Party considering breaking away from the College Democrats, Politico said.
The conflict has gotten so messy that the Democratic National Committee is considering disaffiliating with the national collegiate organization altogether and creating a partnership with the state groups underneath the national umbrella, according to a Democrat familiar with the discussions. The DNC declined to comment.
The clashes over religious bigotry and race within the College Democrats of America (CDA) reflect, to a degree, larger debates happening throughout politics. But the next generation seems poised to escalate them further. Some CDA members argue that the internal frictions constitute a turbulent but morally necessary reckoning with systemic racism. Other Democratic officials see it as a bunch of college-educated, hyper-woke kids trying to play politics in a way that’s off-putting to many voters.
“They are caught up in their own drama and playing ‘Boys State’ government,” said the same Democrat. “They think they’re the hottest s— on Earth.”