LIBERAL LUNACY: California City Becomes First to Require Gun Owners to Buy Liability Insurance, Pay Fee
Charlie Kirk Staff

It looks like another left-wing city in California is about to face the legal wrath from the pro-Second Amendment crowd after voting to impose what appear to be blatantly unconstitutional restrictions on gun ownership.
San Jose has become the first city in the U.S. to require gun owners to purchase liability insurance and to also pay an annual fee, The Blaze reported Wednesday, adding that the push for the new law was led by Mayor Sam Liccardo who cited a study claiming city residents pay out some $442 million per year because of gun violence in the city — a stat that could reasonably be blamed on the failure of him and his police department to provide residents with adequate protection from gun violence.
The Blaze reports that under the ordinance gun owners will have to keep handy proof of liability insurance and as well as documentation that they paid their ‘gun’ fee at all times. Specifically, they’ll be required to ‘show their gun papers’ to cops if officers demand to see them.
Anyone caught without gun papers and insurance could be fined or even have their firearms taken away from them.
The Blaze provides some details:
The annual fee would be assessed per family with a gun in the home and would come to $25 a year plus some administrative fees. The money would go to social programs including those related to mental health, suicide prevention, and domestic violence prevention.
Because leftist Democrats can never spend enough money on ‘social programs.’
Needless to say, pro-gun groups are salivating at the opportunity to haul San Jose into court.
“Any abridgment of a constitutional right, any chipping away, no matter how small, is the beginning of the downfall of the Constitution and what our rights really mean,” Sam Paredes, the executive director of the Gun Owners of California, said.
“If San Jose adopts Mayor Liccardo’s outrageous and unconstitutional gun control proposals, we will not hesitate to challenge the city’s policies in federal litigation and take every possible action to block their enforcement,” the Firearms Policy Coalition wrote.
Meanwhile, the lunatics running the California asylum have bigger aspirations: Passing a New York-style law that essentially bypasses a federal statute prohibiting gun makers from being sued for liability if one of their firearms is used by a thug to commit a murder.
“Almost every industry in the U.S. is held liable for what their products do. … The gun industry is the one exception,” Democratic Assemblyman Phil Ting of San Francisco said. “Financial repercussions may encourage the firearms industry and dealers to be more responsible.”
Paredes also slammed this bill, comparing it to allowing Californians to sue Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for liability if someone gets drunk at one of his wineries and has an accident.
“He can’t ban guns, but he’s going to try to bankrupt lawful firearms-related businesses,” Paredes said.
California already has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, including a decades-old ban on so-called “assault” weapons. Last year a federal judge overturned that ban after ruling it was patently unconstitutional. However, the uber-liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the lower court’s ruling, leaving the ban in place.
As for gun violence, much of it rests on the shoulders of George Soros-funded ‘prosecutors’ and district attorneys like Chesa Boudin in San Francisco and George Gasćon, both of whom have increasingly refused to prosecute a host of violent crimes out of misplaced concern for “social justice.” But of course, Democrats in the state Assembly will never pass legislation allowing citizens to file suit against these left-wing activist ‘law enforcers’ to hold them liable for failing to seek jail sentences for truly dangerous people.
At this point, there isn’t much else to say about California in terms of hoping for a political turnaround. The state that elected Ronald Reagan twice will just have to collapse on its own before its citizens learn this hard lesson: Democrats are the party of self-destruction.