Leading Conservative Figure Makes Stunning Prediction About Trump, Biden Debates

Leading Conservative Figure Makes Stunning Prediction About Trump, Biden Debates

Many people have predicted that the aging President Joe Biden would do everything he could to avoid debating former President Donald Trump and that continues to be what many people believe will happen.

Many think that the president, who has noticeable issues forming coherent sentences, would find any excuse to not debate the former president, but one expert says that he believes the media will assist him and his team to avoid the debates.

American Greatness CEO Ned Ryun spoke to Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday when he made the prediction.

“Donald Trump nixed one of the debates in 2020. A lot of people at the time said that was a big mistake because that opens the door to Democrats, especially Biden in the future. Your thoughts?” the host said.

“I would like to see debates between August 22nd, that’s when the DNC convention ends, and September 4th is when the first absentee ballots drop. I just don’t think we are going to see any meaningful presidential debates this year, Laura, if any at all. I think there is a reason for that. I think Democrats don’t want Biden on the stage for 90 minutes, a weak Biden trying to defend an abysmal record on immigration, on inflation, on the economy,” the expert said.

“I think they are hoping too they are going to get cover on ducking debates with Trump being convicted and Biden being able to say ‘I am not going to debate a convicted felon.’ But at the end of the day, I just don’t think they care. I don’t think the Biden campaign really cares about doing debates. I think they are going to get all the cover they need from the corporate media and I think they’re banking on smash-mouth politics in the 7 battleground states that will matter and thinking we’re going to collect more ballots than Trump, we’re going to win the White House so who cares about debates and who cares about persuasion? …” he said.

“They’re still running on this whole idea that January 6th was an insurrection and they’re going to try to bank on that and use any excuse for Biden not to debate Trump. The fact of the matter is they are both presidents, the American people deserve to see them debate the issues. I just don’t think we are going to see meaningful debates, Laura. I just don’t think — we are in the era, Laura, in which I think persuasion and votes do not carry the weight they used to. It’s all about ballots. So I don’t think they really care and I don’t think corporate media is going to make Biden toe the line on this and they will give him cover when he decides to duck debates,” he said.


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