‘Killing 600 Babies A Day Is Not Helping Us’: Jason Whitlock, Shemeka Michelle Discuss Effect of Abortion on Black Community
Charlie Kirk Staff

Noted sportscaster and pundit Jason Whitlock took aim at the issue of abortion and the toll it takes on the black community during a recent segment of his show on BlazeTV.
Both he and contributor Shemeka Michelle lamented the situation while discussing why the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a legacy civil rights group, would be pushing a pro-abortion agenda when abortions dramatically reduce the black population.
“I do have some feelings about the abortion thing, and that’s as a woman who’s had one,” Michelle said.
“And so, I feel like that gives me the ability to say to women, ‘Look, I understand what it feels like to think you don’t have any other choice.’ But I also think it gives me the ability to say, ‘Uh, stop your bulls**t,'” she added.
“I know what it’s like to be pregnant. I know what it’s like to know you’re pregnant,” she added. “I know what it’s like to know that there’s even a chance that you could be pregnant. So, this whole thought that we’re taking [away] the voices of women or it’s oppressive [to be pro-life], it’s ridiculous.
“You you mean to tell me women don’t know how to count their cycles anymore? You mean to tell me women don’t know how babies are made? This is foolishness,” she added.
“I don’t like that the NAACP is even backing this because, if you’re supposed to be for the advancement of colored people, then killing 600 black babies a day is not helping us, and it’s not advancing us.”
Whitlock agreed, going on to suggest that the organization rename itself to the “National Association for the Stagnation of Colored People.”
In September, Whitlock took aim at the group again following the death of actor Michael K. Williams, who died of a drug overdose:
Our purpose in life and cultural norms are being redefined with little resistance and even less attention.
The actor Michael K. Williams died Monday of a drug overdose. The NAACP Twitter feed wished that Williams would “rest in power.”
Rest in power is a new cultural norm being imposed by social media apps. It’s no longer solely customary to wish the dead a restful peace. We now hope they attain power.
He continued: “Rest in peace is the Latin phrase ‘requiescat in pace.’ It was found on tombstones as early as the fifth century. It was a way for religious people to wish the dead eternal rest in heaven. By the 18th century and the foundation of America, rest in peace became ubiquitous in Western civilization. Christians adopted the turn of phrase and engraved it on nearly every tombstone.
“It reflected our values. We thought our purpose was to live lives that would lead us to rest peacefully with God. That purpose caused us to make many sacrifices in service to our fellow man. That purpose is at the root of American progress – the freeing of slaves, the suffrage of women, the destruction of Jim Crow, the adoption of child labor laws. The list is endless,” he added.
But ‘rest in power,’ he suggested, is a corrosive concept that can only lead to widespread corruption and authoritarianism — neither of which is healthy for a democratic republic, or blacks in general.
“Rest in power inspires people to pursue power. Rest in peace inspires people to pursue God. I can hear my critics screaming that I’m making too much of a casual turn of phrase. I would agree with my critics if every Christian norm in American society wasn’t under attack or hasn’t already been tweaked to meet secular norms,” Whitlock continued.
“Power is our new obsession. Power by any means necessary. No wonder we’re ruled by lies and deceit,” he added.