“Kids in Cages” Was Created Under the Obama Administration
Charlie Kirk Staff

Michelle Obama and Joe Biden would like you to believe that children being separated from their family at the border is a Trump policy, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The have been several instances now when Democrats, trying to prove their point, used photographs of children in cages to attack Trump only to find out that the pictures were taken during the Obama Administration.
As reported in USA Today:
In a 2019 interview with nonpartisan think tank The Aspen Institute, Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, told NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly that the “cages” predate the Trump administration.
“Chain-link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them were not invented on January 20, 2017,” Johnson said.
Kelly asked Johnson about a 2014 photograph of him touring an Arizona facility for migrants along with former Gov. Jan Brewer. The picture is archived on the website for the Arizona Capitol Times.
That image was also part of another social media meme accusing Michelle Obama of lying about “kids in cages” during her DNC speech. Facebook user Eulalia Maria Jimenez posted it to her page on Aug. 18. Johnson is circled in red in the image.
Johnson explained the picture was taken during a spike in unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border of the country.
“The kids are being housed in the same facilities built under the Obama administration. If you want to call them cages, call them cages. But if the left wants to call them cages, and the Democrats want to call them cages, then they have to accept the fact that they were built and funded in FY ’15, and I was there,” Homan said, according to a transcript.
The Associated Press reported in late 2019 that an unprecedented 69,550 migrant children were held in U.S. custody over that year.
But Michelle Obama’s assertion that the Trump administration tore children from their families and threw them into cages alludes to “a frequent and distorted point made widely by Democrats,” according to the AP. The facilities designed during the Obama administration to temporarily hold migrants were used for a similar purpose by President Trump, the AP also concluded.
This information has a lot of trouble reaching a Democrat audience when they are fed constant lies from main stream media.