Kayleigh McEnany Talks Trump Indictments, Sets Record Straight
Charlie Kirk Staff

Fox News host and personality Kayleigh McEnany recently discussed the indictments against her one-time boss, former President Donald Trump, during a recent segment on “Outnumbered.”
During a segment, McEnany and the other co-hosts talked about Trump being indicted by special counsel Jack Smith stemming from his investigation into the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building.
“If this indictment held, if a conviction was secured, what precedent, applying that retroactively, would have been set in those various circumstances? I think it is a troubling precedent indeed,” she said.
“But rounding this out, I think it’s important to look at what the American people see here when they look at Trump and Biden. I’m talking pure political optics. You look at President Trump, you see a guy with a 53.4 percent RealClearPolitics approval, or I should say that is what he is garnering among Republican voters at this point in time,” McEnany added.
“So, yes, that is true that for all intents and purposes, he looks like he is going on to be the nominee unless there is a big shakeup or polling change. So they see this individual who’s on his way there,” she continued, citing the sweetheart plea deal offered to first son Hunter Biden that fell apart when the federal judge in the case began digging deeper into it and noting that every time a Biden is in legal crosshairs, Trump found himself indicted again.
“This is [Biden’s] DoJ. And look, he says the DoJ’s independent. Let’s take him at his word. But optically, what you see is a president at the beach, a president going to dinner and a movie, a president at an Oppenheimer film, and when he walks out, the Politico Playbook says this: ‘Meanwhile, the only public statement from President Biden last night was in response to a shouted question from the pool. ‘It was compelling,’ he answered,” McEnany noted further.
“The question was how he liked the movie ‘Oppenheimer.’ So you see someone whose political opponent had been indicted as he enjoys dinner and a movie, and it is, at the end of the day, his Department of Justice,” she said.
Co-host Emily Compagno chimed in, adding: “That’s right. And the timeline, again, just to underscore, it’s so notable that every time the Hunter Biden situation, the corruption makes the headlines, an indictment seems to drop. June, July, August.”