Kamala Harris Has Unhinged Meltdown After Biden's Trainwreck Debate Performance

Kamala Harris Has Unhinged Meltdown After Biden's Trainwreck Debate Performance

Vice President Kamala Harris had a meltdown in the usually friendly territory of CNN after her boss, President Joe Biden, got destroyed in a debate against former President Donald Trump.

Her appearance came hours after her boss’ trainwreck performance and, when CNN anchor Anderson Cooper pressed her on how the president looked during the debate, she went ballistic.

“But the president of the United States was not able to put make that case to Donald Trump on the stage tonight. I mean, you debated against then Vice President Biden four years ago, and he was a very different person on the stage four years ago when you debated him. You must. I mean, that that’s certainly true, is it not?” the host said.

“Anderson, the point has to be performance in terms of what a president does. A president who decides an insurrection against the Capitol,” the vice president said.

“No, but I got the point that you’re making about a one-and-a-half-hour debate tonight. I’m talking about three and a half years of performance in work that has been historic. The other guy on the debate stage –” she said before Cooper interrupted.

“But is that the man who we saw on the stage tonight is that the guy you see everyday?” he said, prompting an unhinged response from the vice president.

“The person that you saw on the debate stage that has for the last three and a half years up until today performed in a way that has been about whether it be in the Oval Office negotiating bipartisan deals so that we have an infrastructure, a real infrastructure plan, where we’re putting trillions of dollars on the streets of America to upgrade our infrastructure, whether it be the person I see in the Oval Office who is meeting with heads of the military and the intelligence community and in the Situation Room, ensuring the safety of America, the person I see in Joe Biden on the world stage convening world leaders who often ask for his advice, most recently just during the G7 conference,” she said.

“So I’m not going to spend all night with you talking about the last 90 minutes when I’ve been watching the last three and a half years of performance,” she said.


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