Joe Rogan Says He Would Vote Trump Over Biden

Joe Rogan Says He Would Vote Trump Over Biden

On the Joe Rogan Experience 1949, host Joe Rogan expressed his belief that former President Donald Trump would be a better choice than Joe Biden because Biden is “mentally gone.” Rogan said that he had a conversation with a past guest, Eric Weinstein, who stated that he could not vote for Trump. In response, Rogan said he would vote for Trump over Biden because “the thing with Biden is he’s gone.”

Rogan further stated that he believed Biden’s cabinet would be a “sideshow of diversity” and pointed to Sam Brinton, a biological male who identifies as non-binary and was previously employed as the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposal in Biden’s Office of Nuclear Energy.

Brinton was charged in two unrelated cases of allegedly stealing women’s luggage from airports and was subsequently fired from the Biden administration. Rogan highlighted Brinton as an example of a “diversity hire” and stated that his appearance should not be the reason for his employment.

“That one person who stole all the women’s clothes. That Sam Brinton, we highlighted on the podcast yesterday. That’s a diversity hire,” Rogan said. “Look at this, a man who dresses like a woman, and has a beard and wears lipstick, you look and say ‘this is perfect for us. I don’t give a f*ck what this guy’s good at or bad at, I don’t give a f*ck what their credentials are, this makes us look like we’re inclusive. This makes us look like we’re on the right side. So let’s hire this person'”

“You can’t have those kind of people running a Ben & Jerry’s. You certainly can’t have those kind of people running the most powerful government the world has ever known. It’s nonsense,’ Rogan added.

Guest Russell Brand commented that Biden is the “perfect metaphor” for the current political system, and pointed out that despite the talk of diversity, Biden is a white male career politician who is visibly falling apart.


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