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Gingrich Identifies The One Issue Biden Can’t Fix That Will Hurt Him At Ballot Box

Charlie Kirk Staff


Gingrich Identifies The One Issue Biden Can’t Fix That Will Hurt Him At Ballot Box

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich identified the one issue President Joe Biden won’t be able to fix ahead of the November election that will likely harm him at the polls.

In an interview with Fox Business Network’s Larry Kudlow, who was a top economist during Trump’s term, Gingrich said Trump should hammer Biden on the economy and the price of goods Americans must now pay after nearly four years of ‘Bidenomics.’

You know, first of all, the very idea that you will have three people from CNN, both the moderator and the two questioners, all three are bitterly, deeply anti-Trump, plus Joe Biden. So, the debate stage will be 4 to 1, then they want to rig it by having the mic cut off, I presume, by [Chris] Wallace, who is clearly anti-Trump, and we’re supposed to pretend it will be a fair debate?” Gingrich began.

“My personal guess is that Trump will win the debate. You know if I were him, I would have every other answer would be, ‘Go to the grocery store,’ and I’d be calm,” he continued.

“I am doing a newsletter tomorrow on Biden’s advertising versus Biden’s grocery store. The fact is that people, I said this over dinner last night with friends, everyone who goes grocery shopping knows that Joe Biden is a failure, you can’t buy enough advertising to offset the next time people go to the grocery store. I think that Trump will win the debate on facts. He will win the debate on energy and drive. And it will be fascinating to watch because it will literally be 4 to 1. You seldom give up these kinds of odds,” he added.

“As you know I’m the only Speaker to have balanced the budget for 4 straight years in your lifetime, and I can tell you, people liked having a balanced budget, they liked having lower taxes, and they liked having an explosion of entrepreneurial opportunity creating jobs,” the former Georgia Republican said.

“They get none of that out of Biden and that is why he will be a one-term president. One of the things that hit me is — you’ll see this if you go grocery shopping. You either pay a whole lot more or you get much smaller products. Take cereal, if Biden is president for four more years, you’ll be down to buying one bowl of cereal at a time because you won’t be able to afford any more of that,” Gingrich added.


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Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

Charlie is also the host of “The Charlie Kirk Show” podcast, which regularly ranks among the top-10 news shows on Apple podcast news charts, and is the host of the nationally syndicated daily radio show on the Salem Radio Network live from 12 - 3 PM ET.
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