Elon Musk Calls For 'Constitutional Amendment' Following Scary Incident with Mitch McConnell

Elon Musk Calls For 'Constitutional Amendment' Following Scary Incident with Mitch McConnell

“X” CEO and Tesla founder Elon Musk believes it is time to age-limit members of Congress after a scary incident on Wednesday involving Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

McConnell was at a podium talking to reporters when he stopped speaking and appeared to freeze in place for several moments until he was assisted by some GOP colleagues.

“We need a constitutional amendment. This is insane,” Musk tweeted.

The comment was made as a response to another user who shared a video of the incident.

Musk’s tweet did not offer specific details on the potential amendment’s content or purpose. Some responders proposed the idea of implementing age limits for members of Congress in their comments.

The frightening moment, which quickly garnered attention from mainstream media and sparked discussions on social media, occurred after the Republican leaders’ weekly party luncheon on Wednesday afternoon.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” McConnell said as he opened his remarks. “We’re on a path to finishing the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) this week, there’s been good bipartisan cooperation and a string of…”

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., was the first to step up to the podium, asking, “You OK, Mitch?”

“Is there anything else you want to say, or should we just go back to your office?” he added.

After being escorted away, McConnell returned moments later to resume the press conference and address reporters’ questions.

“I’m fine,” he said upon returning.


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