Dick Morris: Trump Is So Popular 'He Doesn't Need A VP'

Dick Morris: Trump Is So Popular 'He Doesn't Need A VP'

Former advisor to former President Bill Clinton, Dick Morris, believes that former President Donald Trump is so popular that his pick for vice president does not matter because he does not need one.

“And he doesn’t need to pick a Black or a woman or somebody from the East Coast or the center of the country,” he said to Newsmax host Greg Kelly.

“He can pick anybody, and his popularity is so enduring, his base is so strong that they’ll accept his recommendation,” Morris noted.

“So the important point is that he could only be hurt by the choice of vice president, not helped, and I think in that context the important person to me is how effectively experienced each of the candidates are in dealing with the media,” Morris concluded.

Trump “knows all the players, and basically every Republican who’s anybody in the country wants to be his vice-presidential running mate,” added pollster Jim McLaughlin.

“I think Donald Trump, I take him at his word here. I think he’s going to pick somebody that he thinks will be as good a president as he could be, even though most Americans, especially the Republican base, only think there is one Donald Trump,” McLaughlin continued.

“He’s going to pick somebody because he knows that no matter what, that whoever he picks is not only going to be his vice president for hopefully the next four years but could also be the president for the eight years after that,” the pollster said.

“So it’s a really, really important choice for President Trump,” said McLaughlin.

Another name not included in a previous report this week appears to be on former President Donald Trump’s vice-president shortlist.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is reportedly rising in Trump’s search, though Cotton was not included in an ABC News report earlier this week that listed those who the Trump campaign reached out to for information.

The Washington Post reported that Cotton was one of the top candidates who had been asked to submit paperwork.

“Senator Cotton stands out among the other candidates as a battle-tested, serious-minded lawmaker with exceptional fundraising skills,” a source close to Trump told The Daily Wire. “He’s a fighter that would round out the ticket in a way that is most likely to secure a victory in November.”

The New York Times recently reported that Cotton has “unexpectedly emerged as a top contender” in Trump’s search, indicating that Trump believes experience and discipline will be crucial in regaining the White House.


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