DeSantis: Harris Has Never Been Interested in Florida Storms
Charlie Kirk Staff

Florida Republican Gov. Ron De Santis has hit back at Vice President Kamala Harris for her attacks on him.
Her attacks came after the governor would not take her calls as he was busy preparing his state for Hurricane Milton around a week after Hurricane Helene.
“My job is to manage this process and lead the state through this,” the governor said to Fox News host Brett Baier.
“I am using every lever at my disposal, including federal government resources, I’ve marshaled all the agencies in the state government, and we’re working like never before to supplement our local communities. I’ve got to get the job done, and that’s what I’m focused on. Now, people have asked me about, you know, is FEMA going to do this? Just let me be clear, we run the show,” he said.
“FEMA’s not running the show. We will utilize them to support some of the things we’re doing, but you are not going to see FEMA running amok in Florida. I know that’s been out there on the internet. That is not going to happen. I’m the sheriff that’s in charge here, and we will make sure to protect you. Don’t worry about it,” he said.
“And I heard what you said about Vice President Harris and the phone call. Did she ever get through?” the host said.
“You know, Bret, like I said, my job is to marshal resources and work with everybody to have an effective response, and she thinks it should be about her. If I honestly thought that there was something to be gained, I would pick up the phone and call her,” the governor said.
“The fact of the matter is, she has no role in this process. She’s not part of the chain of command. I am working with President Biden and FEMA and our state and local partners, and we’re getting the job done,” he said.
“She has never been interested in any of the storms we’ve had in the state of Florida for her entire time as Vice President. Now she’s out there attacking me because I’m not catering to her whims. All she’s trying to do is inject herself to be a part of her political campaign,” the governor said.
“I don’t have time for political games. We’ve got a job to do. We’ve got people’s lives on the line, and that is our sole focus,” he said.