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Democrats Losing Grip on Younger Americans: Survey Finds Senior Boys Twice As Likely to ID as Conservatives

Charlie Kirk Staff


Democrats Losing Grip on Younger Americans: Survey Finds Senior Boys Twice As Likely to ID as Conservatives

The Democratic Party has been racing to the left for years, especially in a bid to win over younger Americans who would then support the party for life, but things appear to have gone too far.

Based on a recent survey conducted by the University of Michigan, boys in their senior year of high school are nearly twice as likely to identify as conservative compared to those who identify as liberal. Conversely, girls of the same age group are more inclined to consider themselves liberal than conservative.

While this is some good news for the future of our country, conservative commentator Chad Prather is concerned about the high school girls.

“You know, the problem with what’s going on in our country. We’ve given too much voice to girls that are college-age,” Prather said, according to The Blaze. He added: “They’re the ones that are the screeching progressives out there.”

Those girls have been “indoctrinated,” he noted further.

Sky Corban, content creator and political commentator, is in Prather’s corner.

“You’re seeing a trend of Obama, and then those people that grew up, they grew up under that kind of leftist regime there. And now these senior boys grew up under Trump, and so they kind of like that masculinity approach, and so they’re becoming more conservative,” Corban said.

“It’s that pendulum that swings like you’re talking about, which is good,” he adds.

Over the past three years, The Hill added, annual surveys conducted by the Monitoring the Future project, a scholarly endeavor dating back to the 1970s, have revealed that approximately one-quarter of high school seniors identified themselves as conservative or “very conservative.” In contrast, only 13 percent of boys in those years identified as liberal or “very liberal.”

The data reflects a notable shift in the political views of boys. Not long ago, in the late 2000s, liberal boys sometimes outnumbered conservatives. However, during the Carter era, both boys and girls tended to lean more liberal in their political outlook.


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Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

Charlie is also the host of “The Charlie Kirk Show” podcast, which regularly ranks among the top-10 news shows on Apple podcast news charts, and is the host of the nationally syndicated daily radio show on the Salem Radio Network live from 12 - 3 PM ET.
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