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Dem Plan to Get Americans to Hate America Is Working: Patriotism Near All-Time Low

Charlie Kirk Staff


Dem Plan to Get Americans to Hate America Is Working: Patriotism Near All-Time Low

For years, the Democratic Party has increased its criticism of our country, claiming without evidence that we’re racist, homophobic, sexist, bigoted, and discriminatory.

Even though there was never any actual proof of those broad claims, Democrats made them anyway because at the heart of today’s Democratic Party is a sinister counterrevolutionary effort to destroy our nation as founded and to do that, you have to first get enough Americans to hate it.

The years-long effort is paying dividends. As Independence Day approaches, a new survey has found that a near-record-low number of Americans feel “patriotic” about their own country, though Republicans are far more inclined to do so than Democrats, not surprisingly.

According to the Gallup survey, a mere 39 percent of adults consider themselves “extremely proud” to be American, which is a slight increase from the previous year’s 38 percent but still marks a record low. Since 2017, the percentage of Americans exhibiting significant levels of patriotism has remained below 50 percent.

Notably, Republicans are twice as likely as Democrats to express extreme pride in their American identity, the survey found.

“Party identification remains the greatest demographic differentiator in expressions of national pride, and Republicans have been consistently more likely than Democrats and independents to express pride in being American throughout the trend,” Megan Brenan, research consultant at Gallup, said of the results. “That gap has been particularly pronounced since 2018, with more than twice as many Republicans as Democrats saying they are extremely proud.”

The poll, which was conducted from June 1 to June 22, highlights a notable partisan contrast when it comes to levels of patriotism. Among Republicans, 60% express being “extremely proud” to be American, a slight increase from 58% the previous year. In contrast, only 29% of Democrats identify as extremely proud, up from 26% last year, while 33% of independents share the same sentiment.

Although the percentage of those showing extreme pride appears relatively low, when combined with those who are “very proud” to be Americans, the overall figure stands at 67%, showing a slight increase from 65% the previous year.

“In terms of the combined percentages saying they are extremely or very proud, roughly nine in 10 Americans expressed high levels of pride in the earliest years of the trend, through 2004,” Brenan said. “In 2005, that figure began falling into the 80% range, before dropping to 75% in 2017 and staying below 70% since 2020.”

“Although the percentage of U.S. adults who say they are extremely proud to be American remains near the record low, together with the share who are very proud, about two-thirds express national pride,” Brenan concluded.


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Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

Charlie is also the host of “The Charlie Kirk Show” podcast, which regularly ranks among the top-10 news shows on Apple podcast news charts, and is the host of the nationally syndicated daily radio show on the Salem Radio Network live from 12 - 3 PM ET.
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