Bongino Shares Frightening Theory Following Second Trump Assassination Plot

Bongino Shares Frightening Theory Following Second Trump Assassination Plot

Conservative media personality and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino has offered a chilling assessment of the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Florida.

“I have to ask you all a really troubling question now that I promised you 10 years ago I would have called myself nuts for asking this,” the former Fox News host said on his podcast. “Is there a mole inside the DHS or Secret Service?”

He went on to mention that there have been several foreign governments and nationals working to infiltrate and subvert federal agencies.

In one case two individuals were convicted after a scheme actually did dupe the Secret Service.

“Folks, what happened yesterday in Secret Service jargon, the movement to the golf, the golf course, Donald Trump going to play golf at the golf course is what we call an OTR. Stands for an off-the-record movement, meaning it’s not on the official schedule, meaning very few people have access to it,” the host said.

“What makes me even more curious about what happened yesterday is apparently the decision to golf was made at the last minute. Meaning, there were probably – when the decision was made, less than 10 people who knew about it. How’d this guy know to set up there?” Bongino continued.

“How did he know how to set up, and where to set up, and that Trump was going to be there? Folks, the mole may not be a foreign national himself. I don’t want you to think Jason Bourne stuff. Don’t overcomplicate what doesn’t need to be over complicated,” the host said.

“Is there a honeypot trap going on in the Secret Service? Is there a guy or a woman in the Secret Service having a relationship with someone who is not who they say they are? The Iranians have been running these traps in Israel and elsewhere. The Iranians who want to kill President Trump. Folks, how do we know that there’s not some kind of honeypot trap and that some agent or some DHS personnel, someone who has to be notified, is not in a relationship with someone?” Bongino said.



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