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Black Female Student ID’ed As Culprit Behind Racist Water Fountain Graffiti: ‘Colored’ and ‘White’

Charlie Kirk Staff


Black Female Student ID’ed As Culprit Behind Racist Water Fountain Graffiti: ‘Colored’ and ‘White’

A black female high school student in Sacramento has been identified as the culprit behind racist graffiti scrawled above water fountains she admitted to marking “white” and “colored.”

According to the UK’s Daily Mail, citing school district authorities, the girl said that it was just a “prank that went sideways.”

The lettering was discovered over two water fountains at McClatchy High School and appeared to be a reference to an earlier time in parts of the United States where such facilities were racially segregated, especially in the Democrat-dominated Jim Crow South.

The student, who was not identified, was caught on video. School district officials say that she will still face discipline.

“It was a prank that went sideways is my characterization of what the young woman said in her confession,” Mark Harris, a community liaison for the Sacramento Unified School District, said at a press conference.

Amazingly, Harris also said that he doesn’t believe the ‘prank’ was motivated in any way by racism or hate.

“I don’t believe those words that were on those water fountains were racist,” Harris, who is also black, claimed. “I do not believe they were hate crime or hate speech. Part of it quite honestly is because the admitted perpetrator is a young African American woman.”

Then — why discipline her if there’s nothing to see here? Does this guy’s explanation make any sense given the meaning behind the words the student specifically chose?

What if the perpetrator had been a white male student? Would school officials have handled it differently? Would the ‘community liaison’ be so forgiving and understanding? Would the white male student have been identified through a ‘leak’ so he could be further targeted and persecuted? Would a white male student’s ‘prank’ have been considered a “hate crime” and very “racist?”

The Daily Mail:

Harris, who stood beside local black leaders at a press conference, specializes in civil rights issues and was hired by the district to help address racism and racial equity issues in local schools. 

He asked the community for its patience and understanding when it comes to the fallout for the vandalism.

“It should be a moment for our community to come together and make sure this doesn’t destroy this person’s life,” he said. “We don’t know why she did it.”

Maybe…ask her?

“This is not a situation that is the same as an overt deliberate move to do something that is racist, destructive, negative, etc.,” he went on to say.

It isn’t? How so? She literally invoked an earlier racist period in our country’s history. But that’s not…’racist?’ ‘Destructive?’ ‘Negative?’

It sounds as though Harris was hired by the district to be the chief apologist for his “community.”

And again, his words sure differ from the purported actions the district plans to take.

“Sac City Unified takes any instance of racial intolerance extremely seriously because such acts harm our students and our entire community,” the district said in a statement. “While identification of the person involved in this incident has been addressed, we also will remain focused on supporting the healing of students and staff who have been impacted by this troubling act of vandalism.”

Another black leader, Berry Accius, who heads Voice of Youth, said he thinks what occurred was indeed a hate crime.

“I disagree with it not being a hate crime because at the end of the day we understand when you have ”colored” on one water faucet and ”white” on another kind of faucet what that means – whether it’s 1950 or 2022,” he said.

He added that he was told the perpetrator was a black male student and called the act “ignorant.”


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Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government.

Charlie is also the host of “The Charlie Kirk Show” podcast, which regularly ranks among the top-10 news shows on Apple podcast news charts, and is the host of the nationally syndicated daily radio show on the Salem Radio Network live from 12 - 3 PM ET.
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