Bill Maher: Problem With Left Is It 'Sees Race In Everything'

Bill Maher: Problem With Left Is It 'Sees Race In Everything'

HBO “Real Time” host and liberal comedian Bill Maher sat down with former Fox News host and current top-rated podcaster Megyn Kelly to discuss his new book, “What This Comedian Said Will Shock You,” as well as a range of topics, including how woke progressives social justice warriors are standing with Hamas and other terrorists.

“The fact that they’re now marching for the terrorists, really? The people who see themselves as the most liberal people in the world, the social justice warriors, are standing with some of the most illiberal people in the world… Look, kids, I know you’re looking for a cause. And that’s admirable, but kids want to have a cause. I got one for you. Women,” Maher said.

“Women around the world, especially in Muslim majority countries. Hamas? I mean, really, you’re marching for Hamas?… Every possible thing that is a left-wing cause they violate, but those are the people we want in charge? Those are the people we want to control, from the river to the sea? Even the people, of course, under the rule of Hamas hate them. It’s a fascist dictatorship. It’s worse. It’s a fascist dictatorship with a hard right, religious bent. It’s like the worst of all worlds. And those are your heroes?” he went on.

It should be noted that conservatives and right-leaning Americans are supportive of constitutional processes and liberties, even those who are religious.

“This is one of the big problems with the left today is they see race in everything. As the guy who was trying, like, to be the common sense person in the middle, just speak for the normies, everything I think to a lot of people strikes at the way it strikes me as, we start with one thing, this idea over here and then we’re all the way on the other side over here,” he said.



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