CIA Behind A Lot Of The Hunter Biden-Joe Biden Influence-Peddling: Miranda Devine

CIA Behind A Lot Of The Hunter Biden-Joe Biden Influence-Peddling: Miranda Devine

New York Post columnist and author Miranda Devine opined during an appearance Wednesday on Jesse Watters’ primetime Fox News show that the Central Intelligence Agency had a hand in covering up the ill effects of Hunter Biden’s scandalous laptop and has since been involved in covering for him and President Joe Biden.

Devine’s remarks come amid updates regarding the first son’s legal problems. Watters noted that his tax avoidance trial has been pushed back until December but his trial for allegedly lying on a gun background check form regarding past drug use will proceed next month.

“And tonight, we are also finding out Hunter’s tax trial just got pushed back to September. His gun trial, where three ex-lovers will testify, still starts in June but the tax trial we expect to run the whole month of September. Right before the election. Maybe into October. This is a nightmare for the Biden family and the campaign. Miranda Divine is a ‘New York Post’ columnist. A lot of significant developments. What do you think is the most impactful?” Watters said to open the segment.

“Jesse, I think the lying, of course, is pretty important when he lied under oath, but we’ve seen other people lie under oath to Congress, and nothing has ever come of it, so I’m not holding my breath,” Devine began.

“I think that the CIA aspect of this is very curious. I’ve just been researching, and it seems that the CIA’s shadowy hand is behind a lot of the Hunter Biden Joe Biden influence-peddling saga. Both during Joe Biden’s vice presidency and beyond. And we’ve already seen the dirty 51 letter, that dishonest letter written by 51 former intelligence operatives, most from the CIA, including five former CIA directors,” she continued.

“That letter saying that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, which it wasn’t, just before the election, it really amounted to election interference. If, in fact, as they are suggesting, that there were active CIA people involved in vetting that letter and clearing it, then we’re talking about a very serious issue where the intelligence agencies will have been proven to have intervened on Joe Biden’s behalf to rig the election,” Devine continued.

“And on top of the fact that here it seems that they were trying to intervene in the Hunter Biden investigation in Delaware on Hunter’s behalf to prevent the investigators from talking to his sugar brother, who was an integral part of the tax investigation because, of course, he gave more than $6 million to Hunter to pay off his tax debts and to fund his lavish lifestyle,” she said.

“We also remember the whistleblower for the Trump perfect phone call, such a perfect phone call, was CIA as well. So is the sugar brother an asset, and is that $6 million he loaned to Hunter even his money?” Watters countered.

“Very good question. If he’s being protected by the CIA, he must have been useful in some way, and remember that Hunter Biden himself was on the board of a CIA cutout. He was placed on that just before he went to Burisma in Ukraine,” she said, a nod to a subset of the National Endowment for Democracy.


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