AOC Calls For SCOTUS Impeachments Following Trump Immunity Decision

AOC Calls For SCOTUS Impeachments Following Trump Immunity Decision

Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) announced plans to file articles of impeachment against justices on the US Supreme Court following their decision to side with Donald Trump in the immunity case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

AOC tweeted, “The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control,” after the court ruled 6-3 in Trump’s favor.

“Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return,” she added.

AOC has previously clashed with conservative justices, recently targeting Justice Samuel Alito after his wife flew an upside-down flag at their home following an argument with a neighbor. She also called for Justice Clarence Thomas to resign last year.

Many online criticized AOC for her impeachment announcement. Elon Musk responded with a parody story from Grok, titled, “AOC to Supreme Court: ‘You’re Impeached, You’re Impeached, EVERYBODY’S Impeached!'”

On Monday, the court ruled that those holding the office of the president have absolute immunity for actions under core constitutional powers, applying this to Trump during his time in office, though not for unofficial acts. The opinion of the court was written by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

In the court’s decision summary, it stated, “The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution. And the system of separated powers designed by the Framers has always demanded an energetic, independent Executive.”

“The President therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. That immunity applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office, regardless of politics, policy, or party,” it added.

Some actions by Trump in the decision were ruled to be protected under his official acts, while others, as stated in the decision, “Present more difficult questions.” As a result, the case was sent back to the lower courts for further review.


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