'Abandon Biden' Movement Growing In Every Swing State: Report

'Abandon Biden' Movement Growing In Every Swing State: Report

President Joe Biden has been facing a bleeding of voters from some of his core constituency and it is getting fore mire for him and his campaign.

A new “Abandon Biden” movement is taking shape among Muslim Americans who are not with the president on the way he has handled the war between Israel and Hamas.

And the threat of former President Donald Trump defeating him and coming back to the White House is something the activists are not concerned with, which is a detriment for the president as his team has believed that the idea of another Trump presidency would eventually bring Muslim voters back around to him, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

“Human rights Prof. Hassan Abdel Salam has spent the past seven years teaching his students at the University of Minnesota about genocides around the world. On the last day of his class on global Islamophobia in April, he said he was quitting the classroom to oppose what he described as genocide in Gaza — by helping lead the “Abandon Biden” movement to defeat the president in November,” the report said.

“It was very emotional,” the professor said. “I just need to throw myself and put all my energy into this … and I feel like huge change can happen.”

“By defeating [Biden], it would signal to the entire political landscape that defending genocide could lead to your defeat, so beware,” he said. “That’s my goal … promote the message throughout the nation and ensure it’s a consistent one.”

And he believes that if former President Trump defeats President Biden because of the work he is doing it would be a benefit to his cause.

He said that “the big gift that would come out of punishing the president is that an entire party … becomes a pro-Palestinian party against the occupation and will begin to look for equity much more aggressively than we have in the past.”

The group’s website, Abandonbiden24.com, says it has targeted Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin with its efforts.

But Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas Director Steve Hunegs believes that the professor, and his group’s, motives are not limited to ending the war.

“Nothing short of sacrificing Israel’s right to self-defense will meet the goals of the Abandon Biden crowd,” he said.


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