62 Percent of Americans Support Mass Deportation of Illegals: Poll

62 Percent of Americans Support Mass Deportation of Illegals: Poll

A recent survey has shown substantial support among Americans for implementing a new governmental initiative aimed at deporting significant numbers of undocumented immigrants from the United States amid ongoing border challenges during President Joe Biden’s tenure.

As per findings from a poll conducted by CBS News and YouGov, **62 percent of American voters voiced their backing for such a measure targeting individuals who entered the country unlawfully**. Notably, a majority of Hispanic voters also indicated their approval, with 53 percent supporting this proposed action.

Moreover, the poll disclosed various statistics regarding the preferences and perspectives of voters. In a hypothetical match-up between former President Donald Trump and President Biden, **Trump held a slight lead at 50 to 49 points**, a margin well within the error range. Additionally, **only 49 percent of registered voters anticipated a potential second term for Biden would witness a surge in illegal immigration, with a mere 5 percent holding the same belief regarding Trump**.

The survey involved a total of 2,063 adults in the United States, with 1,615 identified as registered voters. **The margin of error was recorded at 3.2 percent for the overall sample and 3.8 percent for registered voters specifically**. Data collection occurred from June 5 to June 7.

Furthermore, the poll uncovered insights into the motivations driving voters’ candidate preferences. **A majority (54 percent) of Trump supporters indicated their backing stemmed from favoring him as the nominee, with 34 percent citing opposition to Biden as their primary reason**. Conversely, among Biden supporters, **54 percent cited their decision was driven by their disapproval of Trump, while 27 percent expressed their preference for Biden himself**.

Concerning the most significant factors influencing voters’ decisions, the economy emerged as the top priority, with **81 percent considering it a pivotal factor**, closely followed by concerns about inflation at **75 percent**. The issue of immigration at the border also weighed heavily on voters’ minds. However, **only 37 percent of respondents considered race and diversity major factors, while climate change garnered importance from just 35 percent of voters**.


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