‘ELDER ABUSE’: Biden Repeats Same Story Twice Within Minutes

‘ELDER ABUSE’: Biden Repeats Same Story Twice Within Minutes

President Biden faced scrutiny after it was reported that he told the “same story” at a fundraiser, “nearly word for word,” just minutes apart.

A pool report revealed that during a fundraiser, President Biden recounted the events of the Charlottesville incident in 2017 as the reason for his presidential campaign. Minutes later, he repeated the same story almost verbatim.

The incident sparked discussions on social media, with many across political lines expressing concerns about Biden’s age and cognitive abilities. Critics pointed to this repetition as evidence of issues related to his fitness for office, which has been a clear issue.

An Associated Press-NORC poll conducted recently found that a significant percentage of Americans, including Democrats, believe President Biden is too old for a second term. While some Democrats have dismissed concerns about his age, many others have voiced worries about his ability to lead effectively.

These concerns about President Biden’s age and mental state have been a recurring topic, with some Democrats and political commentators openly discussing them. Biden’s performance and his team’s handling of his appearances have been under scrutiny, especially as viral moments of his senior moments continue to circulate on social media.


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