Colorado Supreme Court Trump Decision Slammed By Dissenting Dem Justice Warning It Will Undermine Democracy

Colorado Supreme Court Trump Decision Slammed By Dissenting Dem Justice Warning It Will Undermine Democracy

In a 4-3 ruling, the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to exclude former President Donald Trump from the state’s primary ballot has drawn dissent from one of the Democrat-appointed justices, Carlos Samour.

He argued that the decision undermines a “bedrock principle” of American democracy – the due process doctrine.

Samour criticized the court’s move to bar Trump, a leading Republican presidential candidate, without procedural due process, emphasizing the potential for chaos if states independently decide on a candidate’s eligibility.

Samour raised concerns about the framers’ intentions, suggesting that allowing states to determine a candidate’s qualifications could lead to a fragmented country with varying perspectives on a victorious candidate’s legitimacy, Fox News reports.

Trump’s campaign has announced its intention to appeal the decision swiftly to the U.S. Supreme Court, expressing confidence in a favorable ruling.

The dissenting justices, including Samour, stressed the gravity of the questions involved and the importance of applying the law without succumbing to public sentiment.

They argued that Trump not only incited the Capitol insurrection but continued supporting it during the event by pressuring Vice President Pence and senators.

In contrast, the majority maintained that their conclusions were not reached lightly and acknowledged the weight of the issues at hand. They asserted their commitment to applying the law impartially and without influence from public reactions. The majority emphasized Trump’s role in inciting the insurrection and his ongoing support during the Capitol siege.

The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision revolves around Trump’s actions during and after the Capitol attack. While dissenting voices highlight procedural concerns, the majority underscores Trump’s alleged role in supporting the insurrection, setting the stage for a potential Supreme Court review.


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