Will it Finally Happen? Pelosi Invites Biden to Deliver State of the Union Address

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to President Joe Biden inviting him to address a Joint Session of Congress on April 28.

The letter reads in part, “Nearly 100 days ago, when you took the oath of office, you pledged in a spirit of great hope that ‘Help Is On The Way.’ Now, because of your historic and transformative leadership, Help Is Here!”

Forbes reports:

The precise date of Biden’s joint address remained something of a mystery up until Tuesday. Biden had suggested in January that he would give his address the next month as usual, but that date came and went with the White House stating it was never set in stone. Pelosi said in February Biden’s address wouldn’t be until after the $1.9 trillion relief bill passed Congress, which happened last month.

Earlier this month, when asked if she would be inviting the president to speak before Congress, Speaker Pelosi said she would be inviting him “soon,” however, “part of the decision in that regard is in the hands of the Capitol physician, as well as the Sergeants at Arms.”

The late-April date means Biden has waited longer than any other modern-day commander-in-chief to give his State of the Union address. President Trump delivered his on Feb. 28, 2017, and President Obama delivered his on Feb. 24, 2009. President George W. Bush’s first State of the Union address was on January 29, 2002.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to President Joe Biden inviting him to address a Joint Session of Congress on April 28.

The letter reads in part, “Nearly 100 days ago, when you took the oath of office, you pledged in a spirit of great hope that ‘Help Is On The Way.’ Now, because of your historic and transformative leadership, Help Is Here!”

Forbes reports:

The precise date of Biden’s joint address remained something of a mystery up until Tuesday. Biden had suggested in January that he would give his address the next month as usual, but that date came and went with the White House stating it was never set in stone. Pelosi said in February Biden’s address wouldn’t be until after the $1.9 trillion relief bill passed Congress, which happened last month.

Earlier this month, when asked if she would be inviting the president to speak before Congress, Speaker Pelosi said she would be inviting him “soon,” however, “part of the decision in that regard is in the hands of the Capitol physician, as well as the Sergeants at Arms.”

The late-April date means Biden has waited longer than any other modern-day commander-in-chief to give his State of the Union address. President Trump delivered his on Feb. 28, 2017, and President Obama delivered his on Feb. 24, 2009. President George W. Bush’s first State of the Union address was on January 29, 2002.