WHO Concludes it’s “Unlikely” COVID-19 Leaked from Wuhan Lab

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The World Health Organization has concluded that it is “unlikely” that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Just the News reports:

The team of World Health Organization researchers that has been in China over the past few weeks trying to determine how the novel coronavirus started in that country says the disease is unlikely to have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and more likely jumped from an animal to a human. 

The conclusion was announced Tuesday as the team concluded its investigation.

One of the WHO researchers on the team was a British zoologist who “helped channel federal funding grants in 2019 to the Wuhan lab,” notes Just the News.

Concerns have been raised about the Chinese Communist Party’s transparency as it relates to the origins of the virus. 

In May, President Trump announced the U.S. would be “terminating” its relationship with WHO due to its failed response to the virus.

“Because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms, we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent public health needs,” Trump said. “The world needs answers from China on the virus. We must have transparency.”

President Trump has also slammed the WHO for being “China-centric.”

“China has total control over the World Health Organization despite only paying $40 million per year compared to what the United States has been paying, which is approximately $450 million a year.”

Of course, President Trump’s tough stance on China and the WHO has been overturned under the new Biden Administration.

During his first week in office, Biden signed an executive order to stop the United States’ departure from the World Health Organization.

“Once the United States resumes its engagement with the WHO, the Biden-Harris Administration will work with the WHO and our partners to strengthen and reform the organization, support the COVID-19 health and humanitarian response, and advance global health and health security,” a statement from Biden’s transition team said.

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The World Health Organization has concluded that it is “unlikely” that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Just the News reports:

The team of World Health Organization researchers that has been in China over the past few weeks trying to determine how the novel coronavirus started in that country says the disease is unlikely to have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and more likely jumped from an animal to a human. 

The conclusion was announced Tuesday as the team concluded its investigation.

One of the WHO researchers on the team was a British zoologist who “helped channel federal funding grants in 2019 to the Wuhan lab,” notes Just the News.

Concerns have been raised about the Chinese Communist Party’s transparency as it relates to the origins of the virus. 

In May, President Trump announced the U.S. would be “terminating” its relationship with WHO due to its failed response to the virus.

“Because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms, we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent public health needs,” Trump said. “The world needs answers from China on the virus. We must have transparency.”

President Trump has also slammed the WHO for being “China-centric.”

“China has total control over the World Health Organization despite only paying $40 million per year compared to what the United States has been paying, which is approximately $450 million a year.”

Of course, President Trump’s tough stance on China and the WHO has been overturned under the new Biden Administration.

During his first week in office, Biden signed an executive order to stop the United States’ departure from the World Health Organization.

“Once the United States resumes its engagement with the WHO, the Biden-Harris Administration will work with the WHO and our partners to strengthen and reform the organization, support the COVID-19 health and humanitarian response, and advance global health and health security,” a statement from Biden’s transition team said.