WH Drastically Raises Number of Unaccompanied Migrant Youth it Expects to Welcome into U.S. in 2021

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DHS Announces "Equal Access" to Covid Vaccine for Illegal Immigrants

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In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, The White House has announced it expects a massive increase in the number of unaccompanied illegal immigrant youths and children it expects to welcome into the U.S. in 2021.

According to Breitbart, the Biden Administration expects 117,000 young migrants to come into the country—up drastically from 30,000 during 2020. These children and young adults are brought into the country through coyotes and human traffickers.

Breitbart reports:

The goal of 117,000 was leaked to Axios as part of a media campaign in which administration officials argue they have no moral choice but to let the migrants into the United States. The campaign is also intended to fend off theatrical criticism from the left, whereby progressives say the youth and children do not need to be kept in the shelters where they are provided with health screens and the legal paperwork needed to get jobs and residency.

A large number of the youths are teenagers, according to Axios, and just last month roughly 6,000 of them were aged 16 and 17. Sources say HHS is also expected to reach its migrant shelter capacity later this month.

The Biden Administration has come under fire for its lax immigration policy despite its hardline stance on COVID-19 mitigation and restrictions for American citizens. 

Yesterday, NBC reported that a number of migrant asylum-seekers who were released by Border Patrol tested positive for COVID:

Miriam Izaguirre, a 35-year-old asylum-seeker from Honduras, crossed the Rio Grande at dawn Monday with her young son and turned herself in to the authorities.

A few hours later she was released, and the first thing she did was take a rapid test for Covid-19 at the Brownsville bus station. They told her her test came out positive.

“Right now we were tested for Covid and they separated about eight of us because we were positive,” she told Noticias Telemundo Investiga. “We are waiting right now.” She was waiting to catch a bus to Houston.

Report: On Day One, Biden to Push for Citizenship for 11 Million Illegal Immigrants

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In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, The White House has announced it expects a massive increase in the number of unaccompanied illegal immigrant youths and children it expects to welcome into the U.S. in 2021.

According to Breitbart, the Biden Administration expects 117,000 young migrants to come into the country—up drastically from 30,000 during 2020. These children and young adults are brought into the country through coyotes and human traffickers.

Breitbart reports:

The goal of 117,000 was leaked to Axios as part of a media campaign in which administration officials argue they have no moral choice but to let the migrants into the United States. The campaign is also intended to fend off theatrical criticism from the left, whereby progressives say the youth and children do not need to be kept in the shelters where they are provided with health screens and the legal paperwork needed to get jobs and residency.

A large number of the youths are teenagers, according to Axios, and just last month roughly 6,000 of them were aged 16 and 17. Sources say HHS is also expected to reach its migrant shelter capacity later this month.

The Biden Administration has come under fire for its lax immigration policy despite its hardline stance on COVID-19 mitigation and restrictions for American citizens. 

Yesterday, NBC reported that a number of migrant asylum-seekers who were released by Border Patrol tested positive for COVID:

Miriam Izaguirre, a 35-year-old asylum-seeker from Honduras, crossed the Rio Grande at dawn Monday with her young son and turned herself in to the authorities.

A few hours later she was released, and the first thing she did was take a rapid test for Covid-19 at the Brownsville bus station. They told her her test came out positive.

“Right now we were tested for Covid and they separated about eight of us because we were positive,” she told Noticias Telemundo Investiga. “We are waiting right now.” She was waiting to catch a bus to Houston.