WATCH: Creepy Klaus Schwab Advisor Says Covid Will Lead to Acceptance of 'Total Biometric Surveillance'

WATCH: Creepy Klaus Schwab Advisor Says Covid Will Lead to Acceptance of 'Total Biometric Surveillance'

Transhumanist Yuval Noah Harari, author of ‘Sapiens’ and lead advisor to Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, is known for such quips as “technology (transhumanism) on one hand will make it possible to start enhancing and upgrading humans … on the other hand, the rise of AI (artificial intelligence) will make humans unnecessary and useless.” He is a truly creepy character.

A recently posted video compilation shows highlights of Harari’s stated transhumanist agenda. The most shocking moment in the compilation is when he says “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance.”

The World Economic Forum has been criticized for its influence on world government leaders, despite being a shadowy organization of unelected bureaucrats. Many world leaders including far-left tyrant Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern are proud WEF members.

The WEF proudly advertises a “Great Reset” agenda, but if you happen to mention that, you will be labeled a conspiracy theorist by corporate media and online scolds.

Watch the creepy Klaus Schwab advisor for yourself. Listen to his words:



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