WATCH: Rep. Ted Lieu Yells at Witness Who Brought up Asian Discrimination at Harvard

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Three GOP Congressmen Voted to Pass the Democrats’ Radical “Equality Act”

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California Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu lost it yesterday during a congressional hearing on diversity in the federal courts after a witness discussed the anti-Asian discrimination at Harvard University.

Lieu said the federal judiciary was biased against Asians, to which witness, United States Commission on Civil Rights member Peter Kirsanow responded that one of the most egregious examples he’s seen of anti-Asian discrimination was at Harvard University.

“If there is discrimination, it’s against Asian Americans,” Kirsanow said. “Just yesterday, I filed a brief in the Students for Fair Admissions Harvard case in the Supreme Court.”

To which an infuriated Lieu yelled, “Stop bringing in irrelevant issues!”

“There are more Asian-Americans at these Ivy Leagues than in the federal judiciary, they’re underrepresented. These are different issues happening,” he continued in his rant.

“Just answer my question about Asian-Americans in the federal judiciary or minorities in the federal judiciary because it is underrepresented,” Lieu angrily continued. “Don’t bring in these college issues because this is not what the hearing’s about.”

Kirsanow said he agreed with Lieu about the underrepresentation of Asians in the federal judiciary system, but pointed out there was “discrimination in the pipeline.”

“Because the perception by the public is we’re making determinations on the basis of race – one of the most baleful and anathema consideration we have in the United States because of history,” Kirsanow continued. “It’s precisely why I say that we must avoid at all costs, the perception that decisions are being made on the basis of race. And when you look at the correlative, with how decision-making is being made through the admissions process, it appears as if decisions in large part are being based on race,” he said.