WATCH: Masked Teacher’s Union Official Appears to Struggle for Air While Arguing for Mandatory Masks in Schools

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Frontline Doctors Summit: Surgeon Explains Mask Science vs. Myth

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A mask-wearing teachers union official in Idaho Falls, Idaho appeared to struggle for air and nearly passed out as she argued the importance of mandating that children wear masks while attending in-person education.

America’s Frontline Doctors writes, “National File‘s Tom Pappert reported that when Board of Trustees Chairwoman Lara Hill declared the mask mandate must remain because ‘The CDC is recommending that all phases of schools reopening, no matter what the community transmission is like, (is) to continue masking so you can stay in school.’ She was questioned by Trustee Paul Haacke, who asked how many times the CDC visited schools in the district.”

It was at this point that a heated Board of Trustees member Elizabeth Cogliati interjected.

“They make recommendations for the entire country based on their knowledge and their understanding of what is best for everyone. They don’t need to visit our school district to make recommendations for everyone and they currently have recommendations out that with the current level of transmission…that we should be in hybrid for the elementary schools and virtual for middle schools and high schools,” an exasperated Cogliati said. 

“We’re not following that,” she continued.

Seemingly almost unable to complete her sentence, Cogliati said, “But I do think we should follow their request and their recommendation for…masking. I’m done.” 

“So you want to pick and choose….,” Haacke said.

“Yes I do!” Cogliati yelled. “Yes I do want to pick and choose because I think you might have a point Paul, that we want to pick some things that are best for our local area but some things might be best to follow the recommendations of the doctors…”

Watch the incredible exchange below:

BUSTED: NYT Reporter Attacks Non-Mask Wearing Republicans, While Not Wearing A Mask

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A mask-wearing teachers union official in Idaho Falls, Idaho appeared to struggle for air and nearly passed out as she argued the importance of mandating that children wear masks while attending in-person education.

America’s Frontline Doctors writes, “National File‘s Tom Pappert reported that when Board of Trustees Chairwoman Lara Hill declared the mask mandate must remain because ‘The CDC is recommending that all phases of schools reopening, no matter what the community transmission is like, (is) to continue masking so you can stay in school.’ She was questioned by Trustee Paul Haacke, who asked how many times the CDC visited schools in the district.”

It was at this point that a heated Board of Trustees member Elizabeth Cogliati interjected.

“They make recommendations for the entire country based on their knowledge and their understanding of what is best for everyone. They don’t need to visit our school district to make recommendations for everyone and they currently have recommendations out that with the current level of transmission…that we should be in hybrid for the elementary schools and virtual for middle schools and high schools,” an exasperated Cogliati said. 

“We’re not following that,” she continued.

Seemingly almost unable to complete her sentence, Cogliati said, “But I do think we should follow their request and their recommendation for…masking. I’m done.” 

“So you want to pick and choose….,” Haacke said.

“Yes I do!” Cogliati yelled. “Yes I do want to pick and choose because I think you might have a point Paul, that we want to pick some things that are best for our local area but some things might be best to follow the recommendations of the doctors…”

Watch the incredible exchange below: