WATCH: Cringeworthy Moment Biden Completely Bungles Latest Announcement

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Joe Biden completely butchered the announcement of a new cabinet member yesterday as he continues his role playing from the “Office of the President Elect.”

In his announcement of his choice for Health and Human Services Secretary, Biden completely mispronounced his nominee’s last name AND called the department by the wrong name.

The Daily Mail reports:

“For Secretary of Health and Education Services, I nominate Xavier Bacheria,’ Biden said, mispronouncing both his surname and getting the health department’s title incorrect.  

The former vice president then seemed to stumble over his teleprompter.  

‘You know, Xavier Becerra… excuse me,’ Biden said, before carrying on and later correctly pronouncing Becerra’s name as well as correctly referring to the HHS.

You can add this incident to the extensive list of Joe Biden’s senior moments greatest hits. We expect this list to grow by the hour.

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Joe Biden completely butchered the announcement of a new cabinet member yesterday as he continues his role playing from the “Office of the President Elect.”

In his announcement of his choice for Health and Human Services Secretary, Biden completely mispronounced his nominee’s last name AND called the department by the wrong name.

The Daily Mail reports:

“For Secretary of Health and Education Services, I nominate Xavier Bacheria,’ Biden said, mispronouncing both his surname and getting the health department’s title incorrect.  

The former vice president then seemed to stumble over his teleprompter.  

‘You know, Xavier Becerra… excuse me,’ Biden said, before carrying on and later correctly pronouncing Becerra’s name as well as correctly referring to the HHS.

You can add this incident to the extensive list of Joe Biden’s senior moments greatest hits. We expect this list to grow by the hour.