VT Schools: Students Must Quarantine if They Celebrate Holiday with Non-Household Members Says Gov. Phil Scott

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CDC Report Reveals Thousands of Deaths Labeled Covid Stem from Heart Attacks, Accidents and Poisoning

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There seems to be no end in sight to the COVID-19 dictatorial edicts from government officials sweeping across much of the country.

Now, Vermont Governor Phil Scott is essentially asking that children rat out their families if they dared to spend Thanksgiving with people outside of their immediate household.

In a press conference yesterday, Scott said schools will now ask students whether they celebrated Thanksgiving with extended family and friends. 

If they do celebrate the holiday with extended family or friends, students will be forced to do remote learning for two weeks, or stay home for one week and then produce a negative COVID-19 test result.

“We understand how difficult this is, but since we know these types of gatherings have been the cause of so many outbreaks, we’ve got to do all we can to slow this down,” he said.

“From my standpoint, this is fair warning to those of you who are planning to have gatherings from outside your household for Thanksgiving,” Scott continued. “If you don’t want your kids to have to transition to remote learning and quarantine for a seven-day period, maybe you ought to make other plans.”

The state is urging anyone who attends gatherings or travel, including college students returning home for the holidays, to follow the quarantine guidelines.

“Quarantine means staying home and away from other people for 14 days,” said Vermont Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine. “Do not go to school, do not go to work, do not go out to do errands or recreation other than perhaps a walk alone in the woods.”

It really doesn’t feel like we’re living in the United States anymore, does it?

For the full story, click HERE.

Happy Thanksgiving: One Sheriff Says NO to Enforcing Andrew Cuomo's Covid-19 Restrictions on Home Gatherings

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There seems to be no end in sight to the COVID-19 dictatorial edicts from government officials sweeping across much of the country.

Now, Vermont Governor Phil Scott is essentially asking that children rat out their families if they dared to spend Thanksgiving with people outside of their immediate household.

In a press conference yesterday, Scott said schools will now ask students whether they celebrated Thanksgiving with extended family and friends. 

If they do celebrate the holiday with extended family or friends, students will be forced to do remote learning for two weeks, or stay home for one week and then produce a negative COVID-19 test result.

“We understand how difficult this is, but since we know these types of gatherings have been the cause of so many outbreaks, we’ve got to do all we can to slow this down,” he said.

“From my standpoint, this is fair warning to those of you who are planning to have gatherings from outside your household for Thanksgiving,” Scott continued. “If you don’t want your kids to have to transition to remote learning and quarantine for a seven-day period, maybe you ought to make other plans.”

The state is urging anyone who attends gatherings or travel, including college students returning home for the holidays, to follow the quarantine guidelines.

“Quarantine means staying home and away from other people for 14 days,” said Vermont Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine. “Do not go to school, do not go to work, do not go out to do errands or recreation other than perhaps a walk alone in the woods.”

It really doesn’t feel like we’re living in the United States anymore, does it?

For the full story, click HERE.