Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears Tells Bill Maher He Should 'Read More' During Debate Over Drag Queens In Schools

Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears Tells Bill Maher He Should 'Read More' During Debate Over Drag Queens In Schools

During a discussion about the drag debate on comedian Bill Maher’s HBO show on Friday, Republican Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears suggested that he should “read more.”

Sears joined Maher for an episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher” along with Tablet magazine columnist James Kirchick and Gov. Chris Sununu, R-N.H., reported Fox News.

At one point in the segment, Sears declared, “If I don’t want my child given lap dances at school by a drag queen, I don’t want it done. That’s happening.”

Maher countered that while he knew there were “definitely drag queens reading to children,” he wasn’t sure about “lap dances.”

“There are drag queens that are doing pole dances,” Sears responded, leading Maher to ask, “In school?”

“Bill, you gotta read more,” she replied in what could be a reference to a shocking video that has surfaced featuring a drag queen straddling a young girl at a North Carolina public school during an LGBTQ “Pride” event.

“I guess I do,” Maher responded with a laugh.

“I’m a parent. I’m a parent all day. I get to decide what happens in my child’s life,” Sears noted earlier in the segment. “Not you. Not you. Not the government. Not anybody. I don’t co-parent. I had this child. I’m responsible for this child. Anything happens to Little Johnny, you’re calling me as you should.”

The host and his guests also talked about the indictment of former President Donald Trump during the program.

Maher admitted that he is conflicted about the charges, calling it an “impossible choice” since “you can’t not go after him because he’s always guilty,” a reference to both of his impeachments — though he was never convicted by the Senate.

“I always ask myself the question, ‘What is actually better for the future of the country and my future?’ Because I don’t want to live in a country where we are one of these places where whoever is president, as soon as they get out of office, they go after them,” Maher said.

“It’s almost Greek tragedy-like because you set off this cycle of revenge like The House of Atreus. And I guarantee you when Biden is out of office, Day Two, they will try to arrest him,” the comedian added.

Sears then the former president’s political adversaries to “be careful that you don’t dance on the grave of your enemy because you may fall in.”


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