Victor Davis Hanson Says 'Bicoastal Elite' Won't Adhere to UN's Latest Goofy 'Meat' Scheme

Victor Davis Hanson Says 'Bicoastal Elite' Won't Adhere to UN's Latest Goofy 'Meat' Scheme

Historian and academic Victor Davis Hanson told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday that the “bicoastal elite” will never adhere to the United Nations’ coming recommendations that Americans eat less meat to combat climate change.

“The U.N. Is once again showing how useless it is. The U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization is bowing to the climate alarmist religious cult,” Hannity said as he introduced the segment.

“They are set to publicize a piece calling on you, the American people, to reduce your meat consumption. You pay billions of tax dollars for this globalist organization that has historically been anti-American and anti-Semitic. Here with reaction, Victor Davis Hanson. Victor, I’m kind of a paleo guy, a Keto guy, I eat meat and I eat a lot of eggs and as few carbs as possible. I’m not willing to cooperate. Sorry,” Hannity added, bringing in Hanson.

“I’m not either. Red meat and dairy are one of the richest sources of protein, calcium, B vitamins, Vitamin D, magnesium. They are very healthy. And we know that. During the COVID epidemic, a lot of people felt that a high-protein meat diet was essential to restore and get a robust immune system,” he said.

“What’s behind this is this golden idea that climate change should govern all of our lives. Man-made climate change that we can address through radical utopian bromides, whether it is banning gas stoves and getting rid of the ranch suburban house and putting us in a high rise, surrendering your car so you go to mass transit,” he continued.

“And part of that is we can’t have beef anymore because they feel cattle will contribute to global warming. But there is no evidence for any of this other than a dislike of modern American middle-class lifestyle. And that’s what it’s about,” he added.

“And believe me, the bicoastal elites that dictate from on high are never subject to the consequences of their own ideologies. We saw that with a recent picture of Kamala Harris and her gas stove. The same thing is going to be true of fine meats. Same thing,” Hanson said.



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