UPenn Nursing Exam Requires Students to Discuss Preferred Pronouns with Imaginary Patients

UPenn Nursing Exam Requires Students to Discuss Preferred Pronouns with Imaginary Patients

A final exam for a nursing class at the University of Pennsylvania requires students to discuss “preferred pronouns” with their imaginary patients, according to the UPenn Statesman.

The course, Integrated Human Anatomy, Physiology & Physical Assessment II, is required for students of UPenn’s nursing program to graduate. For the final exam, students film themselves completing a “head-to-toe examination of an imaginary patient” and the course rubric states the interaction should begin “by stating full name, preferred pronouns and title.” They must also ask the patient what their preferred pronouns are.

“Introduce self (by stating full name, preferred pronouns and title), check for patient

identification (ask for full name, DOB, preferred pronouns and how the patient wants to

be addressed) and check for allergies. (points deducted if any item missed),” states the rubric. 

If students do not fulfill the preferred pronouns requirement, five points will be deducted from their grade. 

The UPenn Statesman spoke with a student about the requirement:

One student, who wished to remain anonymous due to concern over academic retribution, told The Statesman that “it just doesn’t make sense why we have to ask about pronouns.”

“You go into clinical settings and absolutely no one asks about or introduces themselves with their pronouns. I’m especially uncomfortable with having to state my preferred pronouns,” he said. “In other classes, I just don’t state any pronouns when professors ask everyone to introduce themselves and say their pronouns, but when it’s a matter of points I feel like I’m being forced to go against my beliefs.”

Apparently, this isn’t the only UPenn nursing course that requires students to address preferred pronouns with patients. Integrated Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics considers it a mark of “professionalism” when students refer to patients by their “preferred name & pronouns.”

Report: AZ Education Department “Equity Toolkit” Reveals Racism Starts as Young as 3 Months Old

An “equity toolkit” created by the Arizona Department of Education reportedly includes an infographic which states that children as young as three months old can be racist, according to a report from the Daily Caller which cites Discovery Institute scholar, Christopher Rufo.

The Daily Caller reports:

The toolkit shows a spectrum of children from birth to ages over six, with the title “They’re not too young to talk about race!” It cites a study that shows at birth, “babies look equally at faces of all races. At 3 months, babies look more at faces that match the race of their caregivers.

By 30 months old, children use race to choose playmates, and at ages 4 and 5, “expressions of racial prejudice often peak.”

By five, Black and Latinx children in research settings show no preference toward their own groups compared to Whites; White children at this age remain strongly biased in favor of whiteness,” the graphic says, citing a 2008 study. 

“Silence about race reinforces racism by letting children draw their own conclusions based on what they see,” states the infographic. 

A document titled “How White Parents Can Talk To Their Kids About Race” urges parents to address “anti-racism” even “before their children can speak.”

For the full report, click HERE.

New Jersey Passes Bill that Requires "Social Justice" and Racism Education in Public Schools

New Jersey lawmakers would like public schools to be held more accountable when it comes to teaching black history. Last month, lawmakers passed a bill that, if signed by Gov. Phil Murphy, would make it a requirement for schools to learn about racism and social justice in order to graduate.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports:

“Our children will learn about Black history and not just being a slave,” said Assemblywoman Angela McKnight (D., Hudson), one of the bill’s sponsors. “We will know the contributions that Black people continue to do.”

The new law will complement the state’s Amistad law, which requires public schools to incorporate African American history. Her bill will put the Amistad Commission under the state Department of Education, tighten regulations and oversight, and mandate professional development for teachers.

Students in high schools across the region have been pushing for changes this year after the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. They want schools to address systemic racism and implicit bias among staff and students.

New Jersey and Pennsylvania require history to be taught, but districts decide the content of their courses.

Cherry Hill East, a school system noted by the Inquirer as “predominantly white,” would be the first school in the state to mandate the course on African-American history in order to graduate. The course was proposed by the students after a Black Lives Matter protest in the spring.

Pleasantville first-grade teacher Tamar LaSure-Owens, who has been leading a charge to infuse Black history into everyday lessons, believes the latest legislation would help teachers better present historically accurate and culturally sensitive information about all races.

“We need training,’ said LaSure-Owens, who has helped develop a model Black history curriculum at the Leeds Avenue School. “We need a curriculum that we can put our hands on.”

Full the full story click here.



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