University of Cincinnati Researcher Says It’s “Sexist” To Call Females “Smart” or “Brilliant”

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A graduate assistant at the University of Cincinnati claims “intelligence is a white man’s mythology” and says it’s “sexist” to call females “smart” or “brilliant.”

In a Twitter rant, the cognition and evolution student Mel Andrews wrote, Stop calling your female colleagues ‘smart,’ or ‘clever,’ or ‘brilliant. It’s sexist and infantilising…it shouldn’t be surprising to you in 2021 that women are capable of thought.”

Andrews continued, explaining the same thing applies to black and latino students. 

“You’re doing the same thing when you describe your Black and Latino students as ‘very bright,’” she wrote.

“Intelligence is a white man’s mythology. A phantasmal concept. A non-referring term. Syncategorematic.

Campus Reform reports:

Indicating that her post was entirely serious, Andrews posted an excerpt from a chapter that she wrote for a book entitled Handbook of Parenting. She cited works claiming that “more than a century of wanton reductionism and definitional vagueness in the study of intelligence and human potential has perpetuated a stratified social order and obscured the true dynamic complexity and diversity of human cognitive development.”

Andrews’ most recent research paper received several thousand downloads.

For the full report, click HERE

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A graduate assistant at the University of Cincinnati claims “intelligence is a white man’s mythology” and says it’s “sexist” to call females “smart” or “brilliant.”

In a Twitter rant, the cognition and evolution student Mel Andrews wrote, Stop calling your female colleagues ‘smart,’ or ‘clever,’ or ‘brilliant. It’s sexist and infantilising…it shouldn’t be surprising to you in 2021 that women are capable of thought.”

Andrews continued, explaining the same thing applies to black and latino students. 

“You’re doing the same thing when you describe your Black and Latino students as ‘very bright,’” she wrote.

“Intelligence is a white man’s mythology. A phantasmal concept. A non-referring term. Syncategorematic.

Campus Reform reports:

Indicating that her post was entirely serious, Andrews posted an excerpt from a chapter that she wrote for a book entitled Handbook of Parenting. She cited works claiming that “more than a century of wanton reductionism and definitional vagueness in the study of intelligence and human potential has perpetuated a stratified social order and obscured the true dynamic complexity and diversity of human cognitive development.”

Andrews’ most recent research paper received several thousand downloads.

For the full report, click HERE