U.S. Ambassador to U.N. Says White Supremacy Woven into Our Founding Documents and Principles

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In a speech to Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield said yesterday that white supremacy is woven into the founding documents and principles of America thanks to the “original sin” of slavery, according to TheHill.

“I have seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles,” said Thomas-Greenfield.

Greenfield also said that issues of equity and justice at a global level must be approached with “humility”

“Of course, when we raise issues of equity and justice at the global scale, we have to approach them with humility,” she said at a virtual conference. “We have to acknowledge that we are an imperfect union – and have been since the beginning – and every day we strive to make ourselves more perfect, and more just.”

According to Thomas Greenfield, “under President Biden’s leadership, we’ve been restoring our alliances and recommitting to multilateral institutions.”

“We immediately re-engaged with the Human Rights Council, and have announced our intention to seek election to that body, so that we can advance our most-cherished democratic values around the globe,” she said.

For the full report, click HERE.

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In a speech to Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield said yesterday that white supremacy is woven into the founding documents and principles of America thanks to the “original sin” of slavery, according to TheHill.

“I have seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles,” said Thomas-Greenfield.

Greenfield also said that issues of equity and justice at a global level must be approached with “humility”

“Of course, when we raise issues of equity and justice at the global scale, we have to approach them with humility,” she said at a virtual conference. “We have to acknowledge that we are an imperfect union – and have been since the beginning – and every day we strive to make ourselves more perfect, and more just.”

According to Thomas Greenfield, “under President Biden’s leadership, we’ve been restoring our alliances and recommitting to multilateral institutions.”

“We immediately re-engaged with the Human Rights Council, and have announced our intention to seek election to that body, so that we can advance our most-cherished democratic values around the globe,” she said.

For the full report, click HERE.